What are the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations General Assembly?

It’s good for anyone to have a goal. Even better if it is a collective one aimed at the wellness of the world. Here is an outline of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030, and tips on how you can contribute in your own small way

What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships

Time is ticking away, act now!

Since the challenges we face in today’s world are manifold and interconnected, so are the solutions for creating a better world and a better tomorrow.

 That’s exactly what brings us to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They were put together in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, and the goals are hoped to be met by 2030. With sustainability at their heart, the goals are a call to all countries-rich or poor- to come together for a better future. Though the issues we face appear varied from poverty, inequality, and climate change to peace and justice, they are all deeply linked to each other, and the benefits reaped in one area does have a positive impact on another.

For instance, providing everyone education means offering them a platform for learning and creating awareness, which, in turn, could lead to the adoption of a kinder lifestyle, and eventually, a greener planet.

While the goals aim to improve the condition of human lives worldwide, they are not without their flipside. Critics have argued that SDGs are ambitious, fail to take into account local contexts and ethical considerations, focus simply on economic growth, etc.

Though only time will tell if SDGS can be met or not, it is undeniable that they offer countries and individuals a lot to think about and act upon to improve the life of the planet and its inhabitants.

Yes, you can!

At a glance the Sustainable Development Goals appear to be aimed at adults. But look again. Most of these goals have the potential to help you children understand how you can work towards building a great tomorrow. Here are a few simple ways in which you can bring about great change

Kindness helps

  • For birthday parties don’t you think saplings of native species make for wonderful and thoughtful gifts? Speaking of birthday parties or any other special occasions and festivals how about donating a sun to the neighbourhood orphanage?
  • If you are old enough, do make time to track less privileged children in your neighbourhood a skill it could be anything from sewing a button and telling time on a clock to a language you know well.
  • Donate books, toys, and clothes that you no longer use and are in good condition.
  • Carry fruits when you’re travelling with parents, and offer it to homeless people.
  • Discuss with your family and choose to buy products from companies that donate to charities and pay their employees fairly.

Get eco-smart!

  • Use water in buckets rather than directly from the tap or the shower for brushing your teeth and bathing. Watch out for leaky taps and have them fixed.
  • Carry your own water bottles rather than buy bottled water whenever you step out. Pour into glasses only the exact amount of what you need to drink so the rest is not wasted. The same goes for food too.
  • Always turn off all electronic and electrical items when you leave a room.
  • Read up on energy-efficient lifestyle habits such as minimalism, recycling, using renewable energy, etc.
  • Try to use public transport and your bicycle as much as you can.

Take care of yourself

  • Avoid staying indoors all the time. Instead, take a walk ride your bicycle, play a sport and meet up with friends and exchange ideas. Take up a new hobby, eat on time, avoid junk food, drink plenty of water, and get adequate sleep. These are simple steps to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy.
  • Education need not happen only at school. Read the newspaper every day-its a treasure trove of knowledge. Visit museums and libraries, and take part in events that help you educate yourself about local and global culture, heritage, history, and current affairs. Share with your friends what you’ve learnt and have a healthy discussion around it.
  • Never tease someone for the gender they are. Each one has their own interests, passions, capabilities, and strengths, and none of them is related to one’s gender.
  • At home, take over domestic duties that are age-appropriate. Remember, domestic chores are only age-specific not gender-specific. Every work done at home- from cooking to cleaning is a life skill that everyone must acquire. The same holds true for the professional sphere and too.
  • When you witness someone being bullied or stereotyped, do stand up for them. Try to make friends from different cultures, and respect everyone, including those who are different from you.

You can make the world better

  • Before you make any purchase, analyse if you absolutely need it and if it has a good shelf life. Try and avoid plastic products.
  • Volunteer at beach, river, and lake clean-ups. Go on nature walks and bird-watching trips with experts to understand the natural world around you better.
  • When taking up recreational activities such as boating, find out if it is being done without harming the environment or wildlife.
  • Do not keep exotic or wild animals as pets. Instead, try and adopt strays.
  • Follow your heart and look for a career in a field that you’re passionate about rather than choose something under pressure or for the money. And that decision will go a long way in helping you lead a peaceful life and help others too. If that’s not the ultimate sustainable development goal, what is?

Picture Credit : Google 

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