How do animals and pants survive in deserts?

            Due to the scarcity of water and particular climatic conditions (hot, dry, windy) prevailing in the desert, it is very difficult for animals as well as plants to survive. Nonetheless, we do find some of these. These are adapted to the desert conditions. Let us see what types of vegetation and animals are found there and how do they survive.

           The vegetation of a desert is mainly thorny shrubs, cacti and palm (especially date) trees. Cacti and other desert plants have adapted themselves to live in desert conditions. They have evolved ways to store water in their fleshy stems. The leaves have squeezed themselves into tiny thorns to reduce the loss of water. The roots go deep into the ground and are wide spread to collect every drop of water available. The stem stores the water and slowly gets thinner as the water gets used up. In some cacti the thorns are pointed towards the earth. The dew drops deposited on the ends fall on the earth hence moisture is maintained below the cacti. There are quite a few animals found in deserts such as snails, pack rat, jerboa, etc. Most desert animals sleep during the day to escape the day temperature and they come out in night in search of food. Some animals sleep during the hottest part of the year. Animals such as kangaroo, rat and gerbil can survive with little or no water. Reptiles adjust their body temperatures to cope with heat and cold. The Australian desert toad stores water in its body. Some lizards, ants, owls and snakes also live in deserts.