What are the terms which start from Yellow?

Yellow journalism

Yellow journalism refers to sensational and dramatic news stories, often manufactured to attract readership. The trend was started by media barons Joseph Pulitzer (New York World) and William Randolph Hearst (New York Journal) in the 1890s. The term derives from the comic character the Yellow Kid featured in the New York World comic called Hogan's Alley. These yellow journals had a major role to play in the Spanish-American war fuelling public passion with sensational headlines and reports.

Yellow card

In football a yellow card raised by a referee indicates that the player in question has committed a foul and is being cautioned.

Yellow flag

In motor racing, when a solid yellow flag is waved it indicates that there is danger ahead and that the vehicles may have to stop.

Yellow fever

It is a viral disease spread by certain mosquitoes. When the mosquito bites a human being the virus enters the body. It damages the liver and kidneys and many body tissues. As a result, the liver cannot function properly, urine output is reduced and yellow bile pigments collect in the skin. These pigments turn the skin yellow and hence the name yellow fever.

It was Carlos Finlay, a Cuban doctor, who discovered that a certain mosquito transmitted the disease, and Max Theiler, a South African doctor, developed a vaccine in 1937.

Yellow jersey

In a cycling race involving stages, a yellow jersey is worn each day by the rider who is ahead on time over the whole race to that point, and presented to the one with the shortest overall time at the finish of the race. The most prized jersey was first awarded in 1919. The colour yellow was chosen because the pages of the magazine. L'Auto, the sponsor, were yellow.


It is a sparrow-sized bright yellow bird that is found in Europe and Asia. It has a strong pointed beak and sings a characteristic song. It feeds on seeds and insects. It builds its nest on the ground or in a low bush. Its white or pale-lavender eggs have bold scribble-like markings on them.

Yellow poplar

Also known as the tulip tree, it grows tall-up to 32m-towering over oaks and maples. It has a long straight trunk and large flowers which resemble tulips, hence the name. It bears cone-shaped fruits which release winged seeds. It is home to squirrels and woodpeckers and provides good cover for deer, hints and small mammals.


These are large North American birds which live on wetlands- along shores and marshes. They have long yellow legs which have white and black markings. They eat insects and fish They are known for their flute-like whistle.

Yellow Sea

A part of the Pacific Ocean extending inland between the east coast of China and Korea, it gets its name from the deposits brought in by the Yellow River. Fishing and navigation are major activities on the Yellow Sea. The Yellow Sea is considered among the most degraded marine ecosystems facing severe challenges, including land reclamation, widespread pollution leading to harmful algae blooms.

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