Who invented the alphabet?

To be honest, no one knows exactly who invented the alphabet or when it was invented. One thing is likely though… the alphabet was not invented suddenly on one fine day. It probably evolved gradually from earlier forms of writing.  It is generally felt that the people living around Syria and Palestine were the first to use the alphabet. The origins of the English alphabet can be traced back to the Semitic alphabets developed by the people who lived on the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean. A 3600 year old sandstone sphinx has letters of the Semitic alphabet inscribed on it. When joined together, the letters from the name of the goddess Baalat. A 3000 year old tablet excavated in Syria proves that the people living there during that time developed an alphabet that represented the sounds of their own language. This alphabet has 30 letters, and a special sign to divide one word from the next.The Phoenicians also developed an alphabet of 22 letters, and since they were great traders, their alphabet influenced the development of writing in different parts of the ancient world.