Why is Vieques said to be an amazing place to visit?

Vieques or the Isla de Vieques is a beautiful island of Puerto Rico in the northeastern Caribbean. It is part of the Spanish Virgin Islands and retains influences from centuries-long Spanish presence in the land.

Geographically, Vieques is about 34 kilometres long and 6 kilometers wide. Isabel Segunda, the chief town and Esperanza, a fishing village are two of the important places on the isle.

There are many reasons why Vieques is known to the world. The closeness to waters as well as the hilly terrain is indeed fascinating. But what brought this little island to global attention was a series of protests.

History says that in the early 1940s, a large part of the island was occupied by the US Navy. But, the protests from the natives forced the US Navy to withdraw from the island. Following this, Vieques was designated a National Wildlife Refuge. Today, it is a major hub of ecotourism with unspoiled beaches along with historical remains attracting thousands of visitors each year.