Who was Confucius?

          Confucius was one of the greatest moral teachers and philosophers of China. He studied ancient Chinese writings with great devotion. These works taught him many new ideas about character development. In Chinese his name was ‘Kung Fu-tzu’. This name was distorted by the catholic missionaries and became Confucius.

          Confucius was born in the state of Lu, now part of Shantung in China. His family belonged to the lowest level of the aristocracy. His parents died when he was still young, and he grew up in poverty. Later, he became an official in the government of Lu, and was much respected.

          China, during those days, was ruled by an Emperor who was a mere figurehead with very little powers. The provinces were controlled by corrupt and greedy feudal lords. The people were poor and neglected. Confucius felt disgusted at this state of affairs and left Lu in 484 B.C. He started preaching whatever he had learnt from the ancient Chinese writings. Human behaviour, morality and politics were the main elements of his teaching. At the age of 22, three years after his marriage, Confucius had started teaching how to lead a happy life. He said, ‘Don’t do to others, what you would not wish them to do to you’. He taught ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself’. He was a modest man who always said ‘I teach nothing new. I only pass on the ancient wisdom’.

          When he returned to Lu, he also held some important positions in the local government of his province. When he was made the governor of a city, he cleared the state of robbers, reduced taxes, improved people’s living conditions and persuaded the ruling classes to lead charitable lives. According to one account, he was also made a minister. He tried his best to remove the evils ingrained in all branches of social life. But soon he realized that they were deep-rooted. So he resigned in disgust at the age of 54.

          Confucius’ own sayings were collected by his disciples and written down much later, in the book ‘Lun Yu’. Confucius died in 479 B.C.

          The religion founded by him is known as Confucianism. It includes ancestor worship, belief in the Supreme God and belief in nature spirits. Even today it influences millions of lives.