What is meant by Infrasound?

            Infrasound can be defined as the low-frequency sound that is below 20 Hertz.

            For this reason, it cannot be heard by the human ear. Animals, on the other hand, are sensitive to such sounds. Research has proved that some of them can sense infrasonic sounds from natural events like earthquakes and volcanoes, and act accordingly. They can also use it for communication between each other.

            There are many uses of infrasonic sound. Primarily, it can be used to detect volcanic eruptions. Scientists use infrasound to track the passage of meteors through the atmosphere.

            There are many sources from where infrasound can come. They include large natural events like earthquakes, avalanches, volcanoes, and extreme weather events.

            In addition, man-made events such as explosions, wind turbines, aircraft breaking the sound barrier, and certain speakers too, produce it.

            The special characteristic of infrasound is its ability to cover long distances and get around obstacles with little dissipation.