What is Artificial Intelligence?

               When we speak of intelligence we refer to the natural intelligence of people which means their inherent mental ability. But artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines that can think like human minds. Of late, scientists have developed computers which can perform tasks that require intelligence. The successful performance of such tasks which need some thinking and analysis has again generated the old debate whether machine is superior to man or vice versa?

               Nowadays machines can easily recognize and read printed words. Autopilots, which are computerized machines, can fly aircrafts. These intelligent machines can also recognize and respond to sound and voice and also learn to rectify the mistakes committed. Even computers can play chess so brilliantly that they sometimes outwit the human beings. The whole world was stunned when an IBM computer defeated the world champion Gary Kasparov in a game of chess. But does this mean that artificial intelligence is superior to the natural intelligence of man?

               A computer carries out a series of operations as per the programs developed by computer programmers. This means that the human intelligence works behind the artificial intelligence of machines. Artificial intelligence has its limitations as it depends on the amount of stored information in it to make a decision whereas the natural intelligence is not handicapped by any such limitations.

               Now research is underway to create sound links with computers so as to enable them to recognize human speech and thus receive the feedback orally rather than inserting the instructions through the keyboard. This development of direct interaction with machines or computers would be another milestone in the field of artificial intelligence.

               Now artificial intelligence research covers the areas of planning, language understanding, and pattern recognition and knowledge representation. But whether it can ever surpass the natural intelligence of man, only the future can say.