Plant protection


Many plants cannot grow or make seeds if their stems and leaves have been torn off or eaten by an animal. Some plants have leaves that taste bitter. Other plants have thorns, prickles or sharp leaves to keep them safe.







This plant has thorns to keep animals away.

If plants are to stay alive they have to protect themselves. Some plants do this by having prickly thorns. Thorns are special short, sharp branches. Other plants, such as holly, protect themselves by having spiny leaves. If an animal tries to eat a spiky plant, it will soon be scared off!



Some plants are poisonous to stop any animals or people eating them.

Buttercups and sweet peas protect themselves by being poisonous. Eating either of these plants would make you ill.














Nettles sting to protect themselves.

A nettle leaf is covered in tiny hollow spines. If you touch a nettle leaf, the spine breaks off and stabs your skin. A tiny drop of acid enters your skin making it itch and blister.