When a seed bursts into life and a new plant begins to grow, it is part of a greater life cycle. The new plant grows and makes new seeds which may grow into new plants. Dead plants also give life to other plants and animals.




Pine cones contain lots of seeds. They contain the information they need to make a new plant.







If the seed lands on soil and has water and light, it may germinate.









With enough light and water, the tiny plant continues to grow.












Once the tree is fully grown, it can make its own pine cones. When they fall, the life cycle begins all over again.








Minibeasts feed off dead plants and live inside fallen trees. Dead plants break down and their goodness returns to the soil.







The goodness in the soil helps other plants to grow. The space cleared by the fallen tree allows more light to reach the ground. New plants, such as ferns, may then grow.