Many plants live on the seashore. Seaweeds are seashore plants that can live in salty seawater. Some seashore plants can only live on the land. They grow high up the shore, out of the reach of the waves.






This seaweed floats in the water.

Bladder wrack seaweed has pockets of air and jelly to help it float in the water. Its tough leathery leaves are covered in a slippery, gummy substance to protect it from drying out at low tide. Bladder wrack can survive out of water while the tide is out.



Kelp seaweed grows very fast.

Californian kelp seaweed is the fastest growing plant in the world. It can grow up to one metre in a day and can reach lengths of 100 metres. Kelp grows in huge underwater forests, which are home to many fish and other animals.







These tough grasses grow on sand dunes.

Marram grass is a tough plant that grows on sand dunes at the seashore. It has thin, curled leaves to protect it from drying out in the wind and the Sun. Marram grass has long roots to reach down to water. The roots stop the plant blowing away.