The benefits of wind power


Wind is a free and endless supply of energy. Once they are built, wind turbines offer clean energy with no pollution. Wind power is a good alternative to burning fossil fuels, such as coal.





There is enough wind energy available to meet all of our power needs.

The wind is a renewable source of energy, which means it will never run out. There is more wind energy available than we will ever need. Wind energy is also a clean energy that produces no pollution once the turbine is built and installed.






Wind power has created many new jobs.

Wind power creates many jobs for people making, installing and operating the wind turbines. In 2004, there were over 100,000 people involved in the wind power industry worldwide. Wind power is also cheaper than solar power or nuclear power and about the same cost as power generated from coal.





Wind power can help to improve people’s quality of life.

Wind power can be used in remote regions where other types of energy are not available. Wind power can give remote villages electricity for lighting or for pumping water. In Wales, small wind turbines are even being used to run telephones.