Saving oil



We can all help to save oil. If we use less oil, the oil we do have will last longer. Oil is an important source of energy. There are many things we can do to use less energy.






Hybrid cars use much less petrol.

New hybrid vehicles have been invented which use two or more sources of power. Some of these cars use petrol, and electricity from batteries. The batteries recharge themselves as the car drives along. The car switches from using electricity to petrol and back depending on its speed. Hybrid cars produce much less pollution and are very fuel efficient.


Why not try some of these ways to save oil?






Use less energy at home. Put on a jumper instead of turning on the heating. Houses with insulated attics and lofts save 25 percent more energy.









Save petrol by using a bus or train instead of going in the car. Walking and cycling keep you fit and save oil.







Save electricity. Remember oil is used to generate electricity. Switch off lights when you leave the room. Don’t leave the television on standby. It uses up lots of electricity on standby. Use low energy light bulbs. They use a quarter of the electricity used by ordinary bulbs.





Recycle steel and aluminium. This uses much less energy and saves raw materials. So recycle your empty drinks cans or baked bean tins.







Recycle your plastic bottles and bags. They are made from oil and can be reused. They can even be made into fleeces to keep you warm.