Benefits of solar energy

The sun shines across our world every day. It will continue to do so for many millions of years. Mirrors, solar cells and specially designed buildings make it possible for us to use the Sun to supply some of our energy needs.



This solar power plant uses free energy from the Sun.

The Sun belongs to everyone, all over the world, so we can all use its energy. Although sunlight is free, solar cells are expensive to make and it is costly to set up a solar power system such as a solar power plant. However, when it is built, there is very little to go wrong with a solar power system – it just needs the Sun!



Solar power is a ‘green’ energy source.

It does not cause pollution by burning fuel and it does not make lots of noise. However, it is not perfect. To make a solar cell, rocks must be dug out of the ground and made ready to use. This uses up energy.





The Sun will last for millions of years. Other fuels will run out.

The most commonly used sources of fuel are coal, gas and oil. When we burn these fuels, they cause pollution. These fuels are also running out. When we have used them up, it will take millions of years for more coal, gas and oil to form under the ground. The Sun will continue to shine and provide power.