What were the major achievements of Christopher Columbus during his later voyages?

               Though Columbus’ first voyage of 1492  is the one which is popular, his other voyages were equally important. After his first voyage, Columbus set out on his second voyage in 1493. His destination was La Navidad, off the north coast of Haiti, where, during his first voyage, he had left 39 men in a fortress built from the wreckage of the Santa Maria. Arriving at his destination, Columbus found that the fortress was burned and all his men were dead, probably killed.

               In 1498 he set out to the West again, and discovered Trinidad. He eventually reached the coast of South America. On his last voyage in 1502, Christopher Columbus reached the shores of Honduras in Central America. He followed the land as far as Panama but he couldn’t find a passage to India. He was the first European to discover the West Indies, South America, and Central America.

               Christopher Columbus died at Valladolid, in Spain in 1506. Even on his deathbed, he believed that the lands he had discovered were in Asia. He had no idea that his voyages had opened up a whole new continent.