Why is it said that different forms of dryers and irons were used in ancient times too?

            Even as early as 2000 BC, the Ancient Egyptians used to find pleated clothes fashionable. They achieved this effect by starching their clothes and pressing them continuously with wooden rollers.

            Another interesting fact is connected to the Vikings, who invaded Europe in the 9th century and used to spread their clothes on whalebone plaques. Ironing, similar to what is done in our modern age, was initially introduced in the Far East during the 8th century, when small pans were filled with hot coal, and used. However, this method became popular in Europe only in the 15th century.

            Gas irons were developed in France at first. However, the earliest patent for an electric iron was taken out by an American, Henry Seeley, in 1882.

            Dryers have a comparatively modern origin. People started using hand-operated dryers to dry clothes only in the 17th century. It was from the 1860s onward that steam powered dryers became popular. The first electric tumble driers were installed in ships of the P&O Line in 1909.

            However, they became household equipment only during the 1930s.









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