How are flowering plants with one seed leaf classified?

Flowering plants with a single seed leaf are known as monocots. Four different types of plants belong to this group: palms, lilies, pound weeds and grasses.

Diverse kinds of palms are found across the world. These plants have small flowers, arranged in groups that are clasped by leafy flap called a spathe. There are more than 4000 species of palms. You may be amazed to know that the smallest flowering plant, duck weeds, belongs to this group!

Lilies are plants with beautiful flowers, soft stems and narrow leaves.This group includes plants such as daffodils, yams and agaves. Do you know that Orchids, one of the largest families of flowering plants, belong to this group?

Pond weeds are soft-stemmed plants that are water-bound. Some of these plants are found to be growing on the surface of the water. Pond weeds are the most primitive monocots. Fresh water weeds and eel-grass, which grow in the sea, belong to this group.

Grasses are another important family of flowering plants. The diversity of grass is incredible as there are more than ten thousand species of grasses found across the world. Grasses have small flowers and are soft-stemmed. Reeds, rushes and sedges belong to this group.


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