What is dry eye syndrome? Would it help to have an air purifier in the house?

Our eyes are lubricated by tears that are produced by glands around the eye.

There are two types of tears: moisturizing tears and reflex tears. Moisturizing tears are produced continuously


, while reflex tears are produced in response to irritation or emotion. Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which production of moisturizing tears is dramatically reduced, making the eyes feel scratchy and look red. When the eyes become irritated, some people experience reflex tearing, which is why tearing can also be a symptom of dry eye syndrome. In addition, people with dry eyes sometimes find they can no

 longer comfortably wear contact lenses. There are many possible causes’ dry eyes. The most common cause is age, because production of moisturizing tears decreases as people grow older. In women, hormonal changes – especially those associated with pregnancy or menopause – can result in dry eyes. Environment irritants may also play a role. The treatment is lubrication.

There are a number of excellent “artificial tear” products that should be used according to your doctor’s recommendation.  If lubrication doesn’t relieve the problem, a punctual plug can be used.

 This is a tiny plastic device that fits snugly in the duct that drains tears from the eye into the nose. This plug prevents thetears from draining increasing the level of moisturizing tears in the eye. I haven’t heard of any research sugges

ting that air purifiers are beneficial for people with dry eye syndrome. Air humidifiers, on the other hand, appear to help. It’s also important to protect the eyes from strong air currents, such as those produced by overhead fans or automobile air vents. Finally, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking because some drugs, such as antihistamines, may aggravate dry eye. 

Our eyes are lubricated by tears that are produced by glands around the eye.

There are two types of tears: moisturizing tears and reflex tears. Moisturizing tears are produced continuously, while reflex tears are produced in response to irritation or emotion. Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which production of moisturizing tears is dramatically reduced, making the eyes feel scratchy and look red. When the eyes become irritated, some people experience reflex tearing, which is why tearing can also be a symptom of dry eye syndrome. In addition, people with dry eyes sometimes find they can no longer comfortably wear contact lenses. There are many possible causes’ dry eyes. The most common cause is age, because production of moisturizing tears decreases as people grow older. In women, hormonal changes – especially those associated with pregnancy or menopause – can result in dry eyes. Environment irritants may also play a role. The treatment is lubrication.

There are a number of excellent “artificial tear” products that should be used according to your doctor’s recommendation.  If lubrication doesn’t relieve the problem, a punctual plug can be used.

 This is a tiny plastic device that fits snugly in the duct that drains tears from the eye into the nose. This plug prevents the tears from draining increasing the level of moisturizing tears in the eye. I haven’t heard of any research suggesting that air purifiers are beneficial for people with dry eye syndrome. Air humidifiers, on the other hand, appear to help. It’s also important to protect the eyes from strong air currents, such as those produced by overhead fans or automobile air vents. Finally, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking because some drugs, such as antihistamines, may aggravate dry eye.