Why do I have skin?

Your skin’s all over you. In fact, your skin is larger than any other part of your body. It’s a good thing too. Your skin keeps your insides in. It keeps germs and yucky things out. It protects your body and keeps it from drying out. Skin can also help keep you cool during hot weather and warm during cold weather. Without your skin, you’d be a mess! Skin is made up of two layers. The epidermis is the outside part of the skin. It has sweat pores and hairs. The inside of the skin is the dermis. This layer has nerves, or receptors, that detect pain or touch. It also has blood vessels, oil glands and hair roots. Underneath this layer is a thin layer of fat that cushions your body. Skin holds your insides in and protects your tissues from ultraviolet radiation from the outside. Skin is your body’s largest organ. It is made of layers of cells that march to the surface and flake off from friction. The outermost layer is entirely dead.


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