Where is Pyramid of the Sun located? When was it built? How big is it? Why was it built?

It is located in Teotihuacan, Mexico. It was built around A.D. 100. It measures 234 feet (71 m). It was built as a temple for an Aztec god. The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is classified as the world’s third largest pyramid coming third to the two Egyptian pyramids of Giza. The low incline and squat structure of the Sun Temple means that the perimeter at the base of the Sun Pyramid is almost the same as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The walk around the base takes a whole 15 minutes and covers 894 meters, while the Giza Pyramid has a perimeter of 920m. The main attraction of the Sun Temple is that visitors can climb the 248 steps to the top of the 75-meter pyramid. From the summit there are wonderful views over the Avenue of the Dead, which leads to the younger Pyramid of the Moon.


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