Why is it said that the Charter Acts were the first steps of the modernization of parliament?

 The Charter Act of 1833 gave an impetus to legislative centralization thus bringing about important changes in the system of Indian administration. A legislative council was established for all the British territories in India. The authority of the Governor General was extended, and the Governor General’s government was called as the ‘Government of India’, for the first time, and his council as the ‘India Council’. The Charter Act enlarged the executive council by the addition of a fourth member. The fourth member was given the charge of giving professional advice in matters regarding the mechanism of law making. Lord Macaulay was appointed as the first law member of the council.

The Charter Act, 1853, the last of the Charter Acts, made more important changes in the Governor General’s Council. The legislative or the law member was made a full member, and had the right to vote at executive meetings of the council. The number of legislative Council members was increased by the addition of six special members known as the ‘Legislative Councilors’.

The new council was no confined to only legislation but it functioned more like ‘a miniature representative assembly’.