When is connective tissue needed?


The skeleton is the framework of our bodies which keeps the organs, blood vessels and nerves in place and also acts as protection. The connective tissue is needed to act as a support and to bind them all together. It also supplies the ligaments and tendons for the joints and muscles, tethers the larger organs to keep them in place, and provides softness for protection and rigidity in the form of cartilage.

There are many forms of connective tissue, but they are all developed from the same jelly-like substance which is made up of salts, water, protein and carbohydrate. Inside this jelly are elastic threads to give elasticity; collagen to give strength; reticulin to give support; white cells and macrophages to fight infection; fat cells for storage; and finally plasma cells to produce antibodies.

Fact File

The shape and appearance of a cell depends on what job it does. Cells consist of jelly-like cytoplasm, surrounded by a membrane. Nutrients pass through this membrane and substances produced by the cell leave.


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