When do cells die?

All living things, plant and animal alike, are made from cells. An individual body cell is too small to be seen by the naked eye. Cells have a fixed lifespan and are replaced automatically as they die off. The more active the cell, the shorter the time it will live.

Some white blood cells live for a very short time, and some types that consume dead cells and bacteria survive for only about 30 hours.

White cells that fight disease live for two to four years. Cells lining the intestine live for about five days before being replaced.

Below is a list of the lifespan of certain cells:

  • Skin cells live for 19 days
  • Sperm live for 2 months
  • Eyelashes live for 3 to 4 months
  • Red blood cells live for 4 months
  • Liver cells live for 8 months
  • Scalp hairs live for 2 to 4 years
  • Bone cells live for 15 to 25 years

    Fact File:

    There are three types of nerve cell each with a different function. Motor neurons control the way your muscles work. Sensory neurons carry messages from your sense organs. Connector neurons pass messages between different parts of the nervous system.

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