When is the appendix used in digestion?

The appendix is a narrow tube-like piece of gut resembling a tail, which is located at the end of the large intestine. The tip of the tube is closed; the other end joins on to the large intestine. It is only found in humans, certain species of apes and in the wombat. Other animals have an organ in the same position as the appendix that acts as an additional stomach, where the fibrous part of plants and cellulose is digested by bacteria. It seems that a we evolved through the ages and began to eat less cellulose in favour of meat, a special organ was no longer needed for its digestion.

Fact File:

The only time we are aware of the appendix is when it becomes infected and this is known as appendicitis. For the most part it is a useless part of the large intestine with no known function.


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