When is the shortest day?

The shortest day of the year is in the winter solstice which is 21 December. When the Northern Hemisphere is turned toward the Sun, the countries north of the equator have their summer season, and the countries south of the equator have their winter season. When the direct rays of the Sun fall on the southern hemisphere, it is their summer and it is winter in the northern hemisphere. There are two days in the year when night and day are equal all over the world. They come in the spring and fall, just halfway between the two solstices. One is the autumnal equinox in September, and the other is the spring equinox in March.

Fact File:

Mars is known as the ‘Red Planet’ because it is covered by a stone desert that contains lots of iron oxide, making it appear rusty red. The water and oxygen that used to exist on Mars are now locked up in these iron deposits; nowadays the planet has hardly any atmosphere.


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