When was the first lighthouse built?

The first known lighthouse was the Pharos of Alexandria in Egypt, a 400-foot tower built about 280 B.C.A wood fire was kept burning on the top of the tower, which became one of the Seven Wonders of the world. Before this the light from volcanoes had acted as a guide for sailors. The first light-house in Britain was built by the Romans at Dover in about A.D. 43.

       Lighthouses continued to be built to the plan of the pharos until about the 12th Century. Then oil lamps and candles inside lanterns began to be substituted for fires. Shortly afterwards light houses suffered a decline which lasted until the great expansion of overseas trade and shipping began in the 16th century. This led to a revival and many light houses were built around the coasts of Europe. The first American lighthouse was constructed on little Brewster Island off Boston, Massachusetts in the year 1716.

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