When was honey first used?

Honey is one of the most amazing products to be found in nature. It has been used since very ancient times, as it was practically the only way early man could get sugar. It was used originally as a medicine, to make a beverage called ‘mead’, and in a mixture with wine and other alcoholic drinks. In Egypt, it was used as an embalming material for their mummies.

In ancient India, it was used to preserve fruit and in making of cakes and other foods. Honey is mentioned in the Bible, in the Koran, and in the writings of many ancient Greeks. So you can see its use goes far back into history.

There are hundreds of ways in which honey is used today. It adds sweetness to many foods such as fruits, candies and baked goods. It is used in ice cream, in medicines and for feeding babies. It is also given to athletes as a source of energy. Honey has been used in hand lotions, in antifreeze, and even as the centre (core) for golf balls.

Fact File:

Honey bees are able to tell other colony members where good sources of food can be found by performing a special dance on their return to the hive.


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