What makes the snowy owl different from other owl species?

        Do all owls sleep in the mornings and hunt at night? Well, we have a rebel here. Snowy owls are not night owls; in fact they are active during the day. If you ever hear someone discussing snowball-like creatures that devour rabbits, rodents and smaller birds, they are definitely talking about snowy owls.

        From a distance, they look like snowballs with brown or black spots here and there. These birds are patient hunters who wait to identify their prey before launching an attack. Their sharp eyesight and keen hearing aid them in finding the prey, even under thick vegetation or snow covered lands.

        It has a dense plumage that helps in camouflaging it and the sharp talons enable it to snatch the catch deftly.

        Snowy owls are native of the arctic regions in North America and Eurasia and are especially active in summers.

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