Which is the largest pigeon in the world?


          Pigeons are very sociable birds. They are one of the oldest domesticated birds in the world. Is to not an exquisite sight to watch hundreds of pigeons landing down together or taking off to the sky in unison? The largest of pigeon species is the Victoria crowned pigeon.

          The Victoria crowned pigeon can grow to the size of a large chicken. Unlike the domesticated encountered in cities or villages. They are found only in New Guinea and a few surrounding islands in dense jungles. It has a blue lace-like crest with white tips and it makes deep whooping sounds. Its name is derived from Queen Victoria, the British monarch who lived in the 10th century. The length of the bird typically is about 73 to 75 centimetres. However, some specimens have been recorded to cross 80 centimetres in length. The bird weighs around 3.5 kg. Due to deforestation, the species is facing the threat of extinction.

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