Who were the rulers of Peru?

          The story about the rulers of Peru is as old as the story of the Inca civilization. The Inca civilization flourished in Peru in the 1400s. A Spanish conqueror named Francisco Pizzaro destroyed the empire of the Incas and established a settlement. This happened in 1532 and Spain ruled Peru for the next 300 years. The Spanish rule was largely oppressive and the natives rebelled against their rulers. After a series of violent battles, Peru earned its independence in the 1820s.

          Peru has had times of trouble after independence. From the mid twentieth century, Peru’s government alternated between democracy and military regimes. A Maoist group called the Shining Path gained power over Peru in the 1970s. However, they faded away after their leader Abimael Guzman was captured in 1992.

          Peru is a peaceful democracy since the 1990s. The people of Peru are required to vote by law!

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