Why is the Chinese dragon linked to crocodiles?

 The dragon is a legendary creature that has been revered and worshipped by the Chinese since ancient times. In fact, the Chinese call themselves ‘descendants of the dragon’. They believed that the dragon had supernatural powers, and that it could take on any number of forms. People in Ancient China offered sacrifices to the dragon for favourable weather and a good harvest.

 The dragon is described in ancient texts as having horns like a deer, the head of a camel, a neck like a snake’s, and the body of a crocodile! It was imagined to be a mixture of many animals… possibly of the different animals that were once worshipped in different parts of China. Scholars feel the origin of the dragon lies in the respect that was given to crocodiles and alligators that were plentiful in the Yellow River around 2200 BC. The Chinese used to foretell rain by listening to the call of the alligator, which was also seen as a harbinger of war because of its heavy armour. Did you know that alligator flesh was a prized delicacy at Chinese weddings too?