Why is the crocodile’s digestive system considered to be remarkable?

           Crocodiles can eat just about anything. Their long narrow snouts are rimmed with sharp teeth that can rip apart large pole or snatch anything tasty that happens to float by. A crocodile’s fierce-looking teeth however, are not meant for chewing, They are meant for breaking up crab and turtle shells, or for crushing bones, even hooves and horns, so that they can slide down the crocodile’s throat.

 The crocodile has a sturdy constitution, and doesn’t seem to suffer from any indigestion. It has two chambers in its stomach. The first one grinds up those big chunks of food, while the second one absorbs the nutrients. The crocodile’s digestive system is the most acidic of any animals, and that’s why it can digest bones, shells and hooves.

Crocodiles also have an extraordinary ability to go without food. While other animals would die of starvation, some crocodiles can go for months without eating, and simply pick up where they left off when food becomes available again. This is because it stores about 60% of the energy contained in the food it eats. The energy is stored away as fat in the tail and other places- and this stored energy allows the crocodile to go without food for long periods.