What role did Chanakya play in shaping the Mauryan Empire?

          Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, served as the chief advisor to both Emperors Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. Much of what we know about Chanakya comes from semi-legendary accounts. A popular Buddhist version of Chanakya and his revenge towards the Nanda kings goes like this:

          Chanakya, who was well-versed in the three Vedas and politics, had canine teeth as a child. Canine teeth were believed to be a mark of royalty, which he broke off to pacify his mother’s anxiety. She feared that he would neglect her after becoming a king. He already had crooked feet and his broken teeth further marred his appearance. One day, during a ceremony, king Dhanananda ordered him to be thrown out as he was disgusted by Chanakya’s ugly appearance.

          An angered Chanakya then broke his sacred thread and cursed the king. He later spotted Chandragupta among a group of children and trained him to become a powerful king to seek revenge.

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