What is whey?

Whey us a by-product of cheese-making. When the cheese curds separate from the milk of the cream, the liquid left behind is whey. It is thin, watery and yellowish. It is also formed while making yogurt – it is the thin liquid that forms on top.

Whey can be prepared from any type of milk. Cow’s milk is most popular but goat’s milk is widely used in West Asia and is some desert regions, camel’s milk is used.

Whey is highly nutritious and flavourful. Besides being an excellent source of protein, it has high amounts of vitamins, minerals and lactose. It can be added to shakes, smoothies and other drinks for added protein. It forms the base of many protein drinks for athletes and is the main ingredient in protein powders and bars. Since whey helps prevent atrophy (wasting away of a body part or tissue), it is an important supplement for those who have limited mobility in the limbs. It is also used in pet foods as it contributes to a healthy coat and proper muscle development.

There are two kinds of whey – acidic and sweet whey. If an edible acid is added to heated milk for making yogurt or sift cheeses (e.g. mozzarella, cottage cheese), then the by-product is acidic whey.

Sweet whey is obtained while making hard cheeses like cheddar and Swiss cheese.


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