I am good in studies, but I seem to get distracted easily

I am in Class X. I am good in studies, but I seem to get distracted easily. When I get free hour at school, I try to study, but my friends tease me by calling me names such as topper, bookworm etc. So I join them and have fun. I have realized that at home, I spend a lot of time texting my friends. So please tell me how I can avoid this without hurting my friends.

It is very important to be clear about your goals. Also, understand that it is not possible to satisfy everyone. At the same time, you must not become arrogant and hurt others’ feelings either. It is very important to develop the skill of being assertive. When you are assertive, you stand up for yourself without hurting the feelings of others. Be open in your communication. Learn to tell “no” politely, when you have work to do. Set clear boundaries to help yourself understand when to say yes and when to say no. assertiveness comes by practice and it takes time. Never allow yourself to be exploited simply to satisfy others. Listen to others’ opinions patiently. You can help others while completing your own work too. Learn to prioritize you work. Stay calm and approach situations with confidence and without guilt.


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