I am a privileged child, but I’m still unhappy

I am a privileged child, but I’m still unhappy. I was always a timid kid, but these days I want to shut people out. I hate myself and I’m not good at anything. I’m scoring low in my subjects. I feel overwhelmed and want everything to disappear. Please tell me how to get better.

You are under a lot emotional disturbance, which is making you feel overwhelmed. The most important step is to speak to someone you trust and who will listen to you, without being non-judgemental. Identify the issues disturbing you. Is there an external factor, say, someone commenting about you, or any incident, or someone else’s behaviour that is triggering your behaviour? Look into it and introspect about your behaviour. It is not okay to withdraw from the problem as that will not change it. Find ways to cope with it. You will be able to cope with the situation only if you identify the problem. Make a list of the good things you have in your life. Do you appreciate them? Also make a note of how who want your life to be. Only when you know what you want can you work towards it. Set your goals and work towards achieving them. Life is a roller-coaster and we learn from our experiences. Speak to someone you trust. Seek professional help with the help of a trusted adult. You have a long way to go in life. Be positive and have a healthy lifestyle.


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