What is the Google graveyard?

It is the place where discontinued Google apps go to die! A technological giant, Google is in the forefront of developing new apps, services and products designed to make life easier for its users. Over the years, many of them have fallen into disuse owing to various reasons like low popularity, failure to meet the expectations of the users, software bugs or a change in company plans. If Google feels that a particular product has outlined its use, it pulls the plug on it.

So far, 158 products have ceased to exist since 2006. Google Deskbar, Google Answers and Writely were the first to be axed. The most recent ones include Google plus (in April 2019) and Google Hangouts (in October 2019). Every one of the discontinued apps and products get an honourable mention in the Google cemetery/graveyard along with the reason why it was discontinued. It is Google’s way of paying its respects!


Picture Credit : Google