How frog-fishers catch their prey?

Frog-fishers are bizarre-looking creatures. They hook their prey with an extended part of their own body that acts as bait. The strange extension of their body, known as lure, resembles a small group of dangling worms, which can regenerate if bitten off. When the fish spots its victim, it begins wiggling its lure. The unsuspecting victim, taking the lure for a meal, comes close to the mouth of the fish. Once the prey – usually a crustacean or fish – is within range, it stands little chance of survival. The frog-fish sucks in its live meal by opening its huge mouth and pulling in the prey in milliseconds. In fact, the fish has possibly the quickest movement in the world. For additional help, the fish has camouflage pattern and fin-feet to move on the sea floor. With all these “weapons”, the frog-fish can be seen as the most formidable predator.


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