What is North America famous for?


Before the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century, tribes of native peoples were the only inhabitants of North America. Since then, waves of immigration to both Canada and the USA have made these countries pioneers of financial growth and contemporary culture. The mainly Spanish-speaking countries of Central America have lush, mountainous landscapes and are rich in tradition and culture.

  • FOOD

The USA is famous for its fast food, especially hamburgers, hot dogs, and soft drinks. These foods can be prepared and served quickly. A wealth of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in California and Florida provide a healthy option. Down Mexico way the preference is for spicy foods with chilies.


American movies and TV shows are popular around the world. Many famous music styles, such as rock-and-roll, jazz, blues, country, and soul, have their roots in the USA. Canada’s annual Calgary Stampede celebrates its cattle-trading roots, while Mexico has parades and feasts on saints’ days.


The highlight of the American football calendar is a championship game called the Super Bowl. This is the most watched television event in the USA. Baseball and basketball are also longstanding favourites. The colder climate of Canada has made skiing, ice skating and ice hockey the main winter pursuits.


New York’s Statue of Liberty welcomed immigrants arriving by boat, while the one World Trade Center is the city’s tallest building. Another feature is Mount Rushmore, where the faces of four US presidents are carved into the rock. Far older landmarks can be found in Central America with the ruins of Aztec and Mayan civilizations.


One-third of Canada lies inside the Arctic Circle and stays frozen most of the year. Heading down through North America’s snowy Rocky Mountains and forested Appalachians, the scenery turns into grassy plains, known as prairies. The USA is a mix of plains, deserts, and national parks such as Yellowstone and Yosemite. Further south are the beaches of Mexico and the Caribbean.


The USA grew wealthy by producing vast quantities of wheat, iron, steel, electronics, cars, and aircraft. Fishing is an important industry along the Pacific Coast, with salmon canned for export. Canada is the largest exporter of forest products, mainly softwood used in construction, while Mexico sells its natural gas and oil reserves.


Northern parts of Canada host more animals than people, including bears, elk, and moose in the Rocky Mountains. Across the USA, national parks protect bison, antelope, and deer. Florida’s Everglades is a unique wetland area, with many rare animals such as the Florida panther and manatee. Snakes and scorpions can survive the heat of Mexico’s Sonoran desert.

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