I'm a Std 12 (Humanities) student interested in Neuropsychology. What courses will I have to do to become a neuropsychologist and how much time will it take?

Neuropsychologists evaluate and treat people with various types of nervous system disorders. They may spend much of their day assessing patients for mental deficits or treating the psychological bases of mental health issues.

To enter into this field, go for a degree in Psychology, after which you should go for a Masters, followed by a doctoral degree in Neuropsychology. So you need at least 9-11 years of further study after 10+2.

Some of the institutes are: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Indian Institute of Psychology & Research, Bangalore, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Please note that Neuropsychologists are not medical doctors and can't prescribe medications or operate on patients. Although they investigate the brain and nervous system, they do so with statistical or psychological methods. Neuropsychiatrists are qualified and licensed medical doctors who also have psychological training.

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I have PCM in Std 12 and I was thinking of joining the army through NDA or do B.Tech. which can help me in my interest in computer science. After that I want to start my own company. From which engineering college should I do my B.Tech, and should I study abroad or in India? I was also thinking of pursuing MBA if I choose B.Tech. Please guide me.

NDA, B.Tech., MBA, studying abroad, starting your venture... your interests seem to be quite wide. But it looks like you're just fascinated by these words, and did not put any effort to know how to enter into these.

First, try to think what you want to do after say 7-8 years, then decide the path and the courses.

After NDA (National Defence Academy), you'll be required to serve the country on short/ permanent commission. If you want to start your own company, you should go for some professional course.

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