What is photosynthesis?

The chloroplast inside the green leaves of plants is the ‘workshop’ where photosynthesis takes place. Water is supplied to the leaves by the roots, and carbon dioxide  is absorbed from the air through tiny pores on the lower side of the leaf. Both these are broken down into the elements hydrogen (H), carbon (C), and oxygen (O) with the help of chlorophyll and sunlight. Plants build ‘glucose’ (grape sugar) from these elements and oxygen is released in the atmosphere as a by-product. Photosynthesis has been the source of oxygen in the air since the origin of life on the Earth.


How do plants get food?

Unlike animals, plants produce their own food and except for a few carnivorous plants, do not eat other organisms. Green plants use water, nutrients, and a green matter in their leaves called ‘chlorophyll’ to produce their food. Normally water and nutrients are absorbed from the ground through their roots. Some plants, however, have developed other methods for obtaining water and nutrients. Many tree-dwelling plants make funnel-shaped ‘containers’ with their leaves to catch water. Carnivorous plants use their digestive juices to convert the insects, caught in their folding or sticky traps, into nutrients. 

What do plants and animals need to grow?

Almost all plants and animals need air, water, light, and nutrition to grow. Green plants use a complicated chemical process, called photosynthesis, to create energy for survival and growth. Since plants create their own energy, they are the first link in the food chain. Animals need to drink water and eat plants or other animals to get energy. Therefore, they are present at the next step in the food chain. There are some animals, like camels, that can survive for days without drinking water. Since they live in deserts with very little water, they have adapted to the special conditions of their habitat. 

What is the water cycle?

Water cycle or hydrological cycle is the natural evaluations of water through biosphere. Water is lost from earth’s surface to the atmosphere by evaporation from rivers, oceans, and seas etc. This atmospheric water forms clouds and creates rainfall. The water that collects on land, again flows to oceans, seas and rivers etc., and completes the cycle. 

What is water?

To scientists, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. One molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. There is about 1.4 billion Cubic kilometer of water on the earth which covers about 71% of the earth's surface. About 97% of the water on the earth is in the oceans. 

What is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is the process whereby two atomic nuclei are fused with the release of a large amount of energy. Very high temperatures and pressures are thought to be required in order for the process to happen. The process might one day be harnessed to form the basis of commercial energy. Method of achieving controlled fusion is the subject of research around the world.

What is nuclear power?

Nuclear power is obtained from the energy stored in the nuclei of atoms. Nuclear power is produced by splitting the atoms of some element like uranium. The uranium nuclei are split by the bombardment of neutrons. This is called nuclear fission. Energy produced by nuclear fission has been harnessed since 1950s. When a nucleus splits it gives large amount of energy. This energy is used to heat up water and convert it into steam. The steam runs a turbine which in turn produces electricity. Nuclear power is generated with the help of nuclear reactors. However, the use of nuclear energy has given rise to concern over safety.