How an astronaut’s spacesuit is made?

One of the weirdest features in space travel is the spacesuit worn by astronauts, with its huge spherical helmet, the tunic, the bulky gloves and boots and all the various gadgets and fittings.

The space-suit is a highly perfected machine in itself. It consists of no fewer than fifteen layers of special materials to protect the body of the astronaut. The space suit must provide oxygen for the astronaut to breathe and protect the astronaut from the vacuum and heat or cold of space. It must also be flexible enough to allow the astronaut to move freely. For travel in space, the astronaut wears an MMU (manned maneuvering unit), which contains small gas-powered thrusters. 

The space-suit must also contain food and water supplies, fitting to dispose of bodily wastes and surface to deflect heat and radiation. The helmet visor requires protective tilters to prevent the astronaut from viewing the Sun directly and risking severe dazzling and retinal burns. The suit also has to be fireproofed to the maximum possible extent.

The space-suit took years and millions of dollars to develop.


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What are the nicknames of planets?

Mercury - Swift Planet

Because it moves quickly around the Sun and circles it faster than all the other planets.

Venus - Morning and Evening Star

The two nicknames given to Venus are because it rises and sets each day, like the Sun. It is visible from Earth, like a star in the sky, in the morning before the Sun rises, and in the evening as soon as the Sun sets.


Earth - Blue Planet

Most of the Earth is filled with water, and this makes the planet appear blue from space.

Mars - Red Planet

Mars is nicknamed so because it appears in the sky as an orange-red star. Toray, scientists know that Mars appears so due to the net on the Martian rocks.

Jupiter - Giant Planet / Gas Giant

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. In fact, it is so big that all the other planets in the solar system could fit inside it! It is also known as the Gas Giant because its atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium gas just like the Sun.

Saturn - Ringed Planet

Saturn is known so because of its rings. The other gas giants in the solar system, such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, but only Saturn’s are visible prominently.

Uranus - Sideways Planet / Bulls Eye Planet / Ice Giant

Uranus is four times the size of the Earth ant is the coldest planet in the solar system. Hence, it is called the le Giant. It is known as the Sideways Planet because it rotates on its side. And, as for the nickname Bulls-Eye Planet, it is because Uranus’ rings are vertical, unlike Saturn's which are horizontal. This makes it appear like a bulls-eye on a target.

Neptune - Big Blue Planet / Windy Planet

Neptune looks blue from space, just like Earth, but i many times larger than our planet. Hence it is called the Big Blue Planet. It is sometimes also called the Windy Planet because winds in Neptune can whip clouds of frozen methane at speeds of more than 2.000 km/h!


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