Why is Jean Baptiste de Lamarck a key figure in the history of evolution?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a French scientist who developed a theory of evolution at the beginning of the 19th century. His theory involved two ideas. The first was the law of use and disuse, which stated that a characteristic which is used more and more by an organism becomes bigger and stronger, and one that is not used, eventually disappears. The second law was the law of inheritance of acquired characteristics. It stated that any feature of an organism that is improved through use, is passed to its offspring. However, Lamarck’s theory cannot account for all the observations made about life on Earth. For instance, his theory would predict that all organisms gradually become complex and simple organisms disappear. But we know that this is not the case, and that simple organisms still exist. So today, Lamarck’s theory is largely ignored.

What is the Cambrian period?

The Cambrian Period lasted for nearly 53 million years, from about 543 million years ago, until 490 million years ago. The continents were still forming, but were mostly barren rocks. The land had no plant or animal life on it yet. During the Cambrian Period, there was an explosion of life forms. Most of these were in the water. Many animals with no backbones lived in the shallow seas. The most plentiful species during this period were trilobites. The species got its name from the three lobes in the hard skin. The trilobite was also one of the first animals to have eyesight. There were plenty of other species living during the Cambrian Period also. Molluscs, worms, sponges and echinoderms filled the Cambrian seas. The plants of the Cambrian were mostly simple, one-celled algae.The Cambrian period ended in a mass extinction. Advancing glaciers would have lowered the temperature of the shallow seas where so many species lived. Changes in the temperature and the amount of oxygen in the water would have meant the end for any species that could not adapt.

Rarely Fossilized

       Did you know that there are very few fossils of lizards, insects and other land animals? Most of the fossils that have been discovered are of animals that lived in the sea.

Secret Author

        Robert Chambers was a well-know literary and intellectual figure who is primarily remembered today as the author of ‘Vestiges of Natural History of Creation’ in 1844. This work caused a great sensation in Victorian Britain. However, Robert kept the fact that he had written the book a secret.

Why is the Precambrian Period extremely significant?

The Precambrian Period spans a long period of the Earth's history. It starts with the planet's creation about 4.5 billion years ago, and ends with the emergence of complex, multicelled life-forms almost four billion years later. It is extremely significant, because it is the earliest of the geologic ages which are marked by different layers of sedimentary rock. Laid down over millions of years, these rock layers contain a permanent record of the Earth's past, including the fossilized remains of plants and animals buried when the sediments were formed.The Precambrian is divided into two parts- the Archaean time, and the Proterozoic Era. There may not have been many different forms of life, but very important changes were taking place during the Precambrian. The Earth was formed, and its outer covering cooled and hardened into a crust. The hot molten insides of the Earth leaked out at weak places in the crust to form volcanoes. The clouds formed by the volcanoes caused huge amounts of rain to fall, and the oceans were created.The first life formed. The oceans were like a thick soup, and their chemistry made them the perfect place for life to begin. The first one-celled organisms formed during the Precambrian Era. They had an important job to do. They helped make the air and water around the Earth full of oxygen. Once there was plenty of oxygen, new life could form. This life would have many cells which would evolve into different kinds of animals. All of the important work of the Precambrian period made the Earth ready for what would come next.

Which Way Up?

            Hallucigenia was a bizarre looking fossil which appeared to have tentacles on its back. For a long time, scientists were baffled by it, and unable to determine what kind of creature it was. Finally, they realized that they were looking at it upside down! The tentacles were in fact, legs that resembled the tubular legs of today’s velvet worms!

Which was the last major asteroid impact?

Asteroids, comets, and meteorites are the debris left over after a meteoroid has burned up in the outer atmosphere. Whenever any of these collide with the Earth, the result is devastating. The last such impact occurred in the year 1930. On February 17th, 1930, a meteorite hit Paragould, in Northeast Arkansas. At that time, it was the largest stony meteorite in the world to be seen falling and recovered.

 Another famous asteroid impact happened on Earth on 13th August of the same year, when an asteroid exploded in the sky above the River Curuca in Brazil. At about eight o’ clock, the sun became blood-res, and darkness fell over the region. Three mighty explosions were heard in rapid succession. Immediately after the explosions, the whole forest became a blazing inferno, which lasted for several months.

Asteroid Hit

 There are a number of stories of people being injured, and even killed, by meteorites. On 30th November 1954, Mrs. Hewlett Hodges of the USA was hit by an asteroid. A four kilogramme asteroid crashed through the roof of her home, and she was struck as she slept in the living room. Fortunately, her injury was not serious.

When was the last day the Morse code was used?

Morse code was a system of communication in which letters and numbers were represented by dots and dashes that could be transmitted by telegraph in the form of sound, and also as flashes of light. The code was invented by Samuel Morse. The Morse code was used extensively by ships at sea. It was used in emergencies throughout the world. However, as technology advanced, the Morse code became obsolete.

The last official day of Morse code for distress signals at sea was January 31st, 1999. On July 12th of the same year, the last commercial Morse transmission was made by Globe Wireless in USA, and it was the same as the very first Morse code message – ‘What hath God wrought?’ The Morse code, the language which has saved countless sailors’ lives, was being consigned to history, a victim of technology.


Why is the Vendian Period important?

The Vendian Period began about 650 billion years ago, and ended about 543 million years ago with the beginning of the Cambrian Period. The Vendian is when the earliest known animals evolved. These included soft-bodied multi cellular animals, like sponges and worms. During the Vendian, the continents had merged into a single supercontinent called Rodinia. In the 20th century, macroscopic fossils of soft-bodied animals, algae, and fossil bacteria have been found in rocks attributed to the Vendian Period in a few localities around the world. The Vendian is also known as the Ediacaran or as the Proterozoic.

Rock of Ages      

            Did you know that chalk is almost entirely made up of tiny shells? These shells once belonged to microscopic animals that floated on the ocean’s surface. They can form layers that over the ages become towering chalk cliffs!

When was the last day of the Vietnam War?

 Vietnam is a small country in Southeast Asia. In 1954, it was divided into communist-ruled North Vietnam, and non communist South Vietnam. North Vietnam wanted to end US support of South Vietnam, and to unite the north and south into a single nation. Over the next ten years, tensions in the area increased as the conflict between North and South Vietnam grew. When North   Vietnam attacked a US destroyer on August 2nd 1964, USA officially entered the Vietnam War.

The Vietnam War was the longest war in which the United States took part. The first U.S. troops entered Vietnam in March 1965. Until 1969, North Vietnam and the United States did most of the fighting. By 1969, the Vietnam War seemed endless, and many Americans opposed American involvement in the war. As a result, United States slowly began to withdraw troops. On 29th April 1975, the US began a massive helicopter evacuation, airlifting 1000 Americans and 6000 South Vietnamese from the capital city of Saigon. The official last day of the war was 30th April 1975, when South Vietnam surrendered to North Vietnam.

Why does World War II have many last days?

World War II started when Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, launched an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France then declared war on Germany. It soon developed into a total war that involved 61 countries, and 1.7 billion people. The Axis countries consisting of Germany, Italy, and Japan were on one side. The other side was made up of the Allies, and included the USA, UK, France, and Russia among other European nations. Fifty million people lost their lives in this war, and hundreds of millions were injured.

 World War II ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. On May 8th 1945, the Allies accepted Germany’s unconditional surrender, and this day marks the end of World War II in Europe. However, though the war had officially ended, it raged on in the Far East, for Japan refused to surrender. The Japanese held on for some more months until atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th. Japan surrendered to the Allies only on 15th August 1945, and the surrender was officially signed on September 2nd 1945, abroad the battleship USS Missouri. That is why we say that World War II had not one, but many ‘last days’!

Last Soldier

 The last soldier to surrender in World War II was Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese soldier. He surrendered only in 1974, 29 years after the Japanese surrendered. He had been living on a remote island, and did not know that the war had ended!

Why are fossils related to the Great Flood?

You must all have heard about the Great Flood that swept across the earth in ancient times. Many people believe that thousands of animals that were swept away by the flood eventually became fossils. It is true that conditions during the flood were ideal for 'fossilizing' millions of animals, plants, and even dinosaurs. In fact, thousands of dinosaur bones can be found where they were washed together by violent flood waters and buried under mud, sand and rock. Many of the animals were torn apart, and their bones broken and jumbled-up. The mud and sands hardened like concrete to form the great layers of fossil rocks we find today.Quick flood burial would be the only way that so many dinosaurs and other things could have become fossilized in the way scientists have found them. Animals and plants will fossilize only if they are buried quickly and deeply – before predators, decay, and weather destroy them. Most scientists do not support this theory, but there are some scientists today who are seeking evidence to support it.

 Fossil Hunter

            Johann Jakob Scheuchzer was a Swiss naturalist and fossil hunter. He believed that the Great Flood created all sedimentary rocks and fossils. In 1725, he examined what he believed were the fossilized human remains of a victim of the Deluge. However, it was actually the fossil of a giant salamander. Scheuchzer was responsible for laying the groundwork for the science of fossils. 

Why is the Proterozoic Era important?

The Proterozoic Era was between 2.5 billion and 542 million years ago. One of the most important events of this era was the gathering of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. Near the end of the Proterozoic Era, about 600 million years ago, creatures with more than one cell, like hydras, jellyfish, and sponges lived in the oceans. About 550 million years ago, these creatures evolved into flatworms, then round worms, and finally, into segmented worms. Thus, it was during this period that the first multi-cellular organisms came into existence. It was during the Proterozoic Era that fiery formation processes of the Hadean and the undersea continent-building of the Archaean were replaced by the process of plate tectonics. As a result, a single super-continent formed. Today, it is called Rodinia. 

Why are the last days of the German battleship Bismarck and the British battle cruiser HMS Hood connected?

The Bismarck was one of the most feared battleships constructed by Nazi Germany. The HMS Hood was a very powerful ship that was the pride of the British navy. During World War II, the two titans faced each other on May the 24th 1941. Hood opened fire on Bismarck. Two minutes later, Bismarck responded to Hood’s gunfire, and The Battle of Denmark Strait began. At 06.00, a gigantic explosion ripped the Hood into two. In less than ten minutes of battle, Hood was lost.  Following this battle, the Bismarck was pursued for more than two days by ships and aircraft of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. On May 27th, the Bismarck was attacked, and in two hours, the German battleship was completely destroyed.

The Sinking of the General Belgrano

General Belgrano was an Argentine cruiser that was sunk by the British submarine HMS Conqueror in 1982, during the Falklands War. The sinking raised a storm of controversy, as the Belgrano was supposedly in a safe zone. 

What is the Archaean Period?

The Archaean Period lasted from 3800 to 2500 million years ago. The Earth was still about three times as hot as it is today, and most of its area was covered with oceans. The Earth’s atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide, with very little oxygen in it. Land was beginning to form as volcanoes that emerged from the oceans. The forming of the continents also began during this period, probably as lava flow under the ancient oceans.About this time, the earliest living cells formed on Earth. These cells all lived in the oceans. One type of bacteria present then was the cyanobacteria, or blue-green algaes. These bacteria appear to have had a very strong cell-wall, and the ability to form layers in the ancient sediments. The formations are called stromatolites. They can be found in Archaean rock formations of Western Australia.So to sum up, the Archaean Period was a time of continent-building, and the first stages of early life can be traced back to this period. 

Raising Rocks

            Do you know why you sometimes find sea shells on top of rocks? It is because most sedimentary rocks were once found under the sea. Animals that were buried in the sediment became fossilized. Later, movements of the Earth’s crust resulted in the sea bed being pushed upward, and rocks that had been under the sea now became mountain tops.

Which was the last day of World War I ?

World War I was an armed world conflict that took place mostly in Europe between 1914 and 1918 and it was fought by the Allies – Great Britain, France, Russia, and United States – on one side, and the Central Powers – Germany, Austria – Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire – on the other. The immediate cause of the World War I was the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian heir-apparent to the throne, by a Bosnian Serb, on June 28th, 1914, in Sarajevo. The assassination sparked the chain of events that led straight to ‘the war to end all. 

 The final Allied push towards the German border began on October 17, 1918. As the British, French, and American armies advanced, the alliance between the Central Powers began to collapse. At 5 am on the morning of November 11th, an armistice was signed in a railroad car parked in a French forest near the front lines. Fighting ceased along the entire Western Front at precisely 11 am that morning. After over four years of bloody conflict, the Great War was at an end. 

History is Repeated in Reverse

 During World War II, France was forced to surrender to Germany on 22nd June 1940. To humiliate the French, the Germans insisted that the armistice be signed in the same railway carriage, in the same forest in which Germany had been forced to surrender in World War I.

Which are the last days of some famous bridges?

The Tay Rail Bridge was completed in February 1878 to the design of Thomas Bouch. At that time, it was the longest bridge in the world. Less than two years later, at approximately 7:15 p.m. on the stormy night of 28th December 1879, the central navigation spans of the Tay bridge collapsed into the Firth of Tay at Dundee, taking with them a train, 6 carriages and killing 75 passengers.

Another famous bridge collapse was that of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (USA). It was revolutionary in its collapse. This bridge was known for its tendency to sway in windstorms. The shape of the bridge was much like that of an aircraft wing and under windy conditions, it would rise and fall likes the movement of a galloping horse. On November 7th, 1940 a large windstorm turned the galloping motion into uncontrolled bucking, and the bridge collapsed.

There have been several other bridges that have collapsed. On October 17th 1989, several bridges in San Francisco, USA, collapsed as the result of an earthquake. Bridges are marvels of engineering, but when they collapse, the marvel turns into a tragedy with terrible consequences.

Why is 9th November 1989 significant in the history of the Berlin Wall?

On August 13th, 1961, the East German government erected the Berlin Wall in order to keep its citizens from fleeing to the West. Just past midnight, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin. While most Berliners were sleeping, these crews tore up streets that entered into West Berlin, dug holes to put up concrete posts, and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut. The Berlin Wall stretched over 160 kilometers. It ran not only through the centre of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting West Berlin off from the rest of East Germany.

 The Berlin Wall did prevent the majority of East Germans from emigrating to the West, yet during the history of the Berlin Wall, it is estimated that about 5,000 people made it safely across. The fall of the Berlin Wall happened nearly as suddenly as its rise. There had been signs that the Communist bloc was weakening yet it came as a surprise to everyone when at midnight on November 9th/10th 1989 East Germany’s Communist rulers gave permission for gates along the Wall to be opened after hundreds of people converged on crossing points. Berliners from the East surged through, cheering and shouting and were be met by jubilant West Berliners on the other side. Ecstatic crowds immediately began to clamber on top of the Wall and hack large chunks out of the 45 kilometer barrier. The Berlin Wall had become the gateway to freedom in Germany.