Which day is celebrated on 22 May?

The International Day for Biological Diversity that falls on May 22 is a call for us to celebrate the variety of life around us. Through this annual event, the United Nations also seeks to draw our attention to the need for conserving all these life forms and safeguarding our environment as a whole

May 22 every year     

The United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity came into effect on December 29 1993, and the U.N. initially designated it The International Day for Biological Diversity. However, in 2000, it was changed to May 22 to coincide with the date of the adoption of the text of the Convention. The change was also partly because in several nations. December 29 is part of the holiday season, making it difficult for related activities to be held. Though the dates changed, the aim of the day has not "to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues".

The theme this year

For more than two decades, each year has had a theme. This years is "From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity". It is tied to the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15). Among others, the two-week-long conference held in Montreal, Canada led to a landmark international agreement for protecting 30% of land and oceans by 2030 and the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). "The GBF aims to address biodiversity loss, restore ecosystems and protect indigenous rights." The theme encourages all those involved from governments to individuals to get started on the actions as agreed, or if the action has begun already, to publicise and hightlight them so it can inspire and guide others.

What is biodiversity?

Observe the small parcel of open land in your street corner. What do you see? Different types of plants, trees, flowers, fruits, birds, bees, butterflies, spiders, garden lizards, dragonflies, and plenty more? This variety of living creatures found in any place-from a small stream to vast expanses of deserts and oceans - is called biodiversity. Every organism, small or large or invisible to our eye, has a role to play in our ecosystems, and the loss of even one species can cause problems to that ecosystem and the creatures inhabiting it. Which is why biodiversity is very crucial for the planet and even us humans.

Factors causing biodiversity loss

  • invasive species
  • Pollution
  • Climate change
  • Habitat loss
  • Overexploitation of natural resources
  • Infrastructure development
  • Construction of dams
  • Natural disasters

How can we help?

• Choose a sustainable lifestyle by buying local products, using cloth bags, walking or bicycling, etc. • Set up terrace or community gardens and raise native fruits and vegetables

• Educate yourself about invasive species and work with local communities to eliminate such species.

 • Talk to local government bodies to improve the condition of nearby rivers, parks, etc.

• Get together a group of like-minded students to create biodiversity awareness in your neighbourhood.

• Interact with environmentalists in your area and find out how to build back biodiversity. Remember, it's not too late!

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