Often, within the pages of wildlife conservation stories lies that one spark, idea, or action that spawns dramatic positive changes. Here's one such story on how one decision has resulted in a huge impact, practically bringing back a key species from the brink of extinction.

The recent filming of southern fin whales in Antarctic waters thrilled scientists, researchers, and conservationsists  no end.  And, why not? It's a deeply encouraging sign that not only have these marine mammals returned to their historic feeding grounds but their numbers have increased too, albeit gradually. The species was earlier reduced to less than 2% of its original population, thanks to the usual suspect-unsustainable hunting for decades. And then came the whaling ban towards the last quarter of the 20th Century, positively impacting the course of the animal's fate over decades. Slowly but surely fin whales have rebounded; slowly because fin whales give birth to only one calf at a time.

Over the last few years, researchers have recorded a hundred groups of these whales, including large ones comprising up to 150 animals. "Using data from their surveys, the authors estimate that there could be almost 8,000 fin whales in the Antarctic area." Listed as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, fin whales have a tremendous impact on the environment. In fact, they are called "ecosystem engineers" because after consuming iron-rich krill, they excrete nutrients that help the "growth of tiny phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine food web". In addition, the increasing number of this marine mammal - the world's second largest animal-is also an indicator of the ocean's good health.

While other threats cannot be ruled out for these ocean giants, the "increasing numbers of southern fin whales is an encouraging sign that conservation measures can work".

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So much of our oceans is still unexplored and remains a mystery. In fact, it is safe to presume we know more about the surface of Mars than about Earth's seafloors! But whatever  we little know of life in ocean depths is intriguing, fascinating, and incredible. The deep oceans are low on sunlight and plants but high on pressure, and yet, several creatures call this space home. Here's a glimpse of how they have adapted to life in unforgiving conditions.

Colours that help

 Since they dwell in open waters without plants or rocks to hide under to safeguard themselves from predators, many creatures benefit from disguise. Some of them are red. rendering them difficult to spot since red light does not penetrate those depths. Some others are transparent, again tough to spot. Many others are bioluminescent, a good tool to confuse predators.

Heard of sea snow?

Since ocean depths hardly have any plant, finding "live meal" is a tough task. Apparently, the duration between two live meals can be even up to three weeks for a marine creature! That's where marine snow or sea snow comes into play. When no live meal is available, the next best thing to turn to is the dead. Organic particles from the surface waters - disintegrated bodies of animals and plants, mingling with fecal matter-drift down in what is known as "marine snow".

What is chemosynthesis?

At the cracks between oceanic plates are hydrothermal vents - these are the hot springs on the ocean floor. These vents send out chemical compounds such as hydrogen sulphide. These chemical compounds are used for preparing food - much like sunlight is used in photosynthesis. This process used by microorganisms such as bacteria to create food (such as glucose), is called chemosynthesis.

Though humans still don't have a complete understanding of ocean depths, we're definitely leaving our mark there- and, sadly, not in a good way. With global warming, over-fishing, and pollution, we're changing the composition of the oceans they are acidifying, and hosting crustaceans with microplastics, as far deep as the Mariana Trench, the deepest location on Earth.

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A dip in the waters in the Hirsholm islets off the northern shores of Denmark is like diving into a giant aquarium. Amidst the dazzling colours of its vibrant marine life, tiny bubbles from the seabed soar to the surface like clear blobs. The unique phenomenon is caused by the presence of methane gas. The gas was probably formed due to the microbial decomposition of plants deposited thousands of years ago under the sea. As the gas seeped up through funnels in the floor, chemical reaction with underwater microbes hardened the sand particles into sandstone structures. Water currents washed away the surrounding loose sand, leaving behind solid stone columns, arches and slabs, which became thriving hubs of plant and animal life. The methane constantly bubbles out through vents in these columns, resembling air bubbles in a fish tank. The site is an important centre of marine biology.

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A type of algae, kelp is crucial for thriving ecosystems the world over. However, kelp forests are shrinking. But, why? Let's find out

Most types of seaweed or marine algae grow along the coasts in shallow waters, where they can attach themselves to rocks, shells, or the sea floor. A root-like part called holdfast anchors them firmly and prevents them being washed away by strong waves or currents. A soft, flexible stem-like frond with outgrowths similar to leaves emerges from the holdfast. Though they carry out photosynthesis, algae are not plants as they don't have true roots, stems, leaves, or flowers. Marine algae can be green, brown, or red in colour. Red algae are delicate and feathery and prefer warm tropical seas. Small green algae are found everywhere in shallow waters. Brown algae called giant kelp grow in cool waters at depths ranging from 15 to 40 mt.

Extraordinary ecosystem

A kelp forest is one of the most valuable and productive: ecosystems on Earth. Kelp forests are found all over the world-the west coasts of North and South America, the southern tip of Africa and Australia, and off islands near Antarctica. In North America, kelp forests are found on the Pacific Coast from Alaska to California. A forest of kelp is home to a variety of creatures. They live and forage for food among its broad blades. The kelp provides shelter not only from predators. but also from storms. Mammals and birds that thrive in kelp forests include seals, sea lions, whales, sea otters, gulls, terms, egrets, and herons. Sea otters have an especially beneficial bond with kelp. Mother otters wrap their babies in kelp to keep them from drifting away while they go hunting. Adult otters also find the dense kelp canopies a secure place to snooze. The otters return the favour by eating sea urchins that dine on kelp. Kelp forests can shoot up in no time, growing up to 30 cm a day. Some species attain heights of over 45 mt!

Kelp farming is a big part of the billion-dollar global seaweed-farming industry. Kelp renders sea water less acidic. This enables kelp farmers to raise shellfish, which require low acidity. Kelp and mussels are grown on floating ropes, which also support baskets of scallops and oysters. One kelp farm can produce 40 metric tonnes of kelp and a million shellfish per hectare per year! As with other species of seaweed, kelp is used in many products,) including shampoos and toothpastes, as well as a wide range of foods such as salad dressings, puddings, cakes, dairy products, and ice cream. It is also employed in pharmaceuticals and in the manufacture of fireproof and waterproof textiles.

Urchin attack

The waters off the coast of northern California are home to lush forests of bull kelp. Since 2013, the population of purple sea urchins that feast on the kelp, has exploded, destroying almost 90 % of the kelp forest. Sea stars prey on purple urchins and keep their numbers in check. However, a mysterious disease killed off huge numbers of sea stars, leaving sea urchins to thrive. Sea snails (called red abalone) and red sea urchins, both of which are raised for meat and feed on bull kelp, died from starvation. Commercial red sea urchin and red abalone fisheries located on America's northwestern coast have closed down as a result.

Fact file

• Kelp forests are the ocean's lungs just as trees are the Earth's lungs. They absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

• Warming seas along the Australian coast have wiped out huge swathes of kelp forest.

•Extremely hot weather is harmful to kelp forests. Strong storms can wipe out large areas by uprooting the plants from the sea floor.

• There are 18 species of edible kelp, including kombu widely used in Japanese cuisine.

•Kelp is rich in calcium and Vitamin K.

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Zooplankton is an aquatic microorganism that drifts with water currents. It is one of the two types of plankton, the other being phytoplankton, a plant variety. Zooplankton and other small marine animals consume phytoplankton. They themselves become food for fish, crustaceans, and other larger creatures. As an intermediary species, zooplankton plays a crucial role in the aquatic food chain. As ocean waters warm, studies suggest zooplankton is travelling towards the Poles, which could end in an ecological collapse.

Body size has been defined as a "master trait" for plankton as it is a morphological characteristic shared by organisms across taxonomy that characterises the functions performed by organisms in ecosystems. It has a paramount effect on growth, reproduction, feeding strategies and mortality.One of the oldest manifestations of the biogeography of traits was proposed over 170 years ago, namely Bergmann's rule, in which field observations showed that larger species tend to be found at higher, colder latitudes

Zooplankton are generally larger than phytoplankton, mostly still microscopic but some can be seen with the naked eye.Many protozoans (single-celled protists that prey on other microscopic life) are zooplankton, including zooflagellates, foraminiferans, radiolarians, some dinoflagellates and marine microanimals. Macroscopic zooplankton include pelagic cnidarians, ctenophores, molluscs, arthropods and tunicates, as well as planktonic arrow worms and bristle worms.

Zooplankton is a categorization spanning a range of organism sizes including small protozoans and large metazoans. It includes holoplanktonic organisms whose complete life cycle lies within the plankton, as well as meroplanktonic organisms that spend part of their lives in the plankton before graduating to either the nekton or a sessile, benthic existence. Although zooplankton are primarily transported by ambient water currents, many have locomotion, used to avoid predators (as in diel vertical migration) or to increase prey encounter rate.

Ecologically important protozoan zooplankton groups include the foraminiferans, radiolarians and dinoflagellates (the last of these are often mixotrophic). Important metazoan zooplankton include cnidarians such as jellyfish and the Portuguese Man o' War; crustaceans such as cladocerans, copepods, ostracods, isopods, amphipods, mysids and krill; chaetognaths (arrow worms); molluscs such as pteropods; and chordates such as salps and juvenile fish. This wide phylogenetic range includes a similarly wide range in feeding behavior: filter feeding, predation and symbiosis with autotrophic phytoplankton as seen in corals. Zooplankton feed on bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, other zooplankton (sometimes cannibalistically), detritus (or marine snow) and even nektonic organisms. As a result, zooplankton are primarily found in surface waters where food resources (phytoplankton or other zooplankton) are abundant.

Just as any species can be limited within a geographical region, so are zooplankton. However, species of zooplankton are not dispersed uniformly or randomly within a region of the ocean. As with phytoplankton, ‘patches’ of zooplankton species exist throughout the ocean. Though few physical barriers exist above the mesopelagic, specific species of zooplankton are strictly restricted by salinity and temperature gradients; while other species can withstand wide temperature and salinity gradients. Zooplankton patchiness can also be influenced by biological factors, as well as other physical factors. Biological factors include breeding, predation, concentration of phytoplankton, and vertical migration.The physical factor that influences zooplankton distribution the most is mixing of the water column (upwelling and downwelling along the coast and in the open ocean) that affects nutrient availability and, in turn, phytoplankton production.

Through their consumption and processing of phytoplankton and other food sources, zooplankton play a role in aquatic food webs, as a resource for consumers on higher trophic levels (including fish), and as a conduit for packaging the organic material in the biological pump. Since they are typically small, zooplankton can respond rapidly to increases in phytoplankton abundance, for instance, during the spring bloom. Zooplankton are also a key link in the biomagnification of pollutants such as mercury.

Zooplankton can also act as a disease reservoir. Crustacean zooplankton have been found to house the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, by allowing the cholera vibrios to attach to their chitinous exoskeletons. This symbiotic relationship enhances the bacterium's ability to survive in an aquatic environment, as the exoskeleton provides the bacterium with carbon and nitrogen.

Credit : Wikipedia 

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As our planet warms, oceans across the globe absorb a large portion of the heat generated. In the process, the water expands, resulting in universal sea-level rise. In addition, the rise is also caused by the melting of glaciers and icebergs. Usually such melting during warmer months and freezing during colder months is a natural phenomenon. However, with global warming, there's more of the former than the latter, leading to alarming sea-level rise, threatening to submerge several cities within just a few decades.

Why does sea level change?

Causes sea level to rise because water expands as it warms up; melting of the world’s ice sheets. A large ice mass, which flows over hills and valleys and occupies a large portion of a continent. The world has only three major ice sheets today (Greenland, West Antarctica, and East Antarctica).

 In Greenland and Antarctica;  melting of smaller around the world; and decrease in the amount of water held on land, for example, in groundwater beneath the land and in reservoirs above the land. Ocean warming accounts for around half of the observed change in sea level (this is often called “thermal expansion”), with the melting of thousands of small glaciers accounting for the other half of the increase in sea level. Since the 1800s, the melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland have contributed relatively little to sea level change. But, these ice sheets are starting to melt faster due to global warming and may push sea level up much more in the future.

How much could sea level rise?

Because of global warming, the thermal expansion of the ocean and glacier melting will continue to play a role in the rise of sea level in the future . If all of the planet’s remaining as small glaciers were to melt, sea level would rise about 50 cm. The amount that thermal expansion can raise sea level in the future will depend on the continued warming of sea water. The largest possible contribution to sea level rise in the future comes from the world’s large ice sheets in Greenland, West Antarctica, and East Antarctica. If these ice sheets melted completely, the level of the oceans would rise about 7 m from the Greenland ice sheet, 5 m from the West Antarctic ice sheet, and 53 m from the East Antarctic ice sheet. This is why many glaciologists (scientists who study ice) focus on how Greenland and Antarctica are changing because of global warming.

How will sea level rise affect the countries of the world?

The effect of ice sheet melting on sea level is different across the world.

So, when the sea level rises, people will be affected in different ways, depending on where they live. The UK is used to occasionally dealing with rising sea level for short periods of time, particularly when there are storms at the same time as when the tides higher than usual. If the IPCC predictions are correct, we must consider the possible increase in sea level on top of natural tidal surges. This will cause dangerously high tides to occur more often in the coming decades, and these future tides might be more destructive than we are used to.

In farming regions near the coast, seawater flooding on land can contaminate the soils with salt, making them less able to support the growth of crops. The salty water may also get into underground stores of fresh water (known as groundwater), which is the source of important drinking water and also for farmers to grow crops.

In coastal cities, sea level rise will cause more flooding to houses, businesses, and while it may seem sensible to consider moving cities away from harmful floods, especially as we know it will likely happen in the future, our cities cost so much to develop that we are more likely to simply try to protect them from rising sea levels. A vision of our cities near the sea involves them with walls facing the ocean several meters high, with the street level of the cities themselves being below the level of the ever rising sea.

Credit : Frontiers for young mind 

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The pelagic zone is the open region of any lake, sea, or ocean that is away from any part of land, be it the coast or the sea floor. Marine life-from microscopic plankton and tuna to sharks - dominates this area. Due to the abundance of marine creatures, it is a critical space for producing oxygen, regulating climate, and economic activity.

Pelagic Zone Facts

The pelagic zone plays many critical roles that make it essential to life on Earth. Factors that make the pelagic zone unique include:

It covers more than 50% of the Earth in water, more than 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) deep.
It makes up more than 99% of the inhabitable space on our planet.
The deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, is about 11,000 meters (7 miles) deep.
The open ocean produces more than 50% of the world's oxygen.
It is a critical carbon sink, storing 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere.
Many of its inhabitants never experience sunlight.

The open ocean provides food, medicine, and economic opportunities for people worldwide. In addition to seafood, ocean harvests provide ingredients for foods like peanut butter and soy milk. Medications for Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart disease, and arthritis use materials extracted from the ocean, and the United States alone produces $282 billion in ocean-dependent goods and services.

Layers of the Pelagic Zone

The pelagic realm is divided into five distinct regions based on average depth and sunlight availability. Moving from the surface to the ocean floor, the zones are labeled:


Sunlight, oxygen, and temperature decrease with depth while pressure increases. The organisms in each zone have adapted to live in these conditions.

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While the livelihoods of more than three billion people depend on oceanic resources, the ocean also provides a large fraction of the oxygen we breathe and absorbs greenhouse gases, mitigating their effects in the atmosphere. Playing a key role in the Earth’s climate and weather systems, as well as in the global carbon cycle, the ocean is an immeasurable force of nature. However, human activities have fundamentally altered the ocean’s chemical composition. Since the late 1980s, 95 per cent of open ocean surface water has become more acidic. Oceans absorb about 30 per cent of carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce, reducing the pH of seawater. This process is known as ocean acidification. With atmospheric CO2 levels 50 per cent above pre-industrial levels, the problem is getting worse.

What is pH and acidity?

pH is the measure of the acidity or basicity of a liquid solution. A solution’s pH represents the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-) on a scale of 0 to 14. Pure water has a pH of 7 and is neutral – neither acidic nor basic – with equal concentrations of H+ and OH?. A solution with a pH lower than 7 is acidic, while a solution with a pH greater than 7 is basic. The pH scale is logarithmic, so a decrease of one pH unit is a ten-fold increase in acidity.

The ocean is slightly basic. Prior to the Industrial Revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries, the ocean’s average pH was about 8.2. Today, the ocean’s average pH is 8.1. This means that the ocean today is about 30 per cent more acidic then in pre-industrial times. By 2100, the pH of the ocean could decrease to about 7.8, making the ocean 150 percent more acidic and affecting half of all marine life, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report.

What is the effect of a more acidic ocean?

Ocean acidification threatens marine ecosystems, which also affects populations who rely on the ocean as a source of income and diet. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.

For marine ecosystems, ocean acidification presents a two-fold challenge: higher acidity and lower availability of carbonate ions (CO32-). Calcifying organisms – such as oysters, crabs, sea urchins, lobsters and coral – need CO32- to build and maintain their shells and skeletons. Furthermore, studies suggest marine shells and skeletons may dissolve more easily as pH decreases. Scientists are studying the extent to which calcifying organisms are affected by acidification and how some organisms may be more sensitive than others.

Energy spent by marine organisms overcoming more acidic conditions may reduce the energy available for physiological processes, such as reproduction and growth, threatening the stability of food chains that would affect the ecosystem resilience and economic activities, such as fisheries and tourism.

Credit : International atomic energy agency

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