Why do the footprints of astronauts remain unchanged on the surface of the moon?

We are pretty proud of the human flight to the Moon and our footprints on the lunar surface. But did you know these footprints can last a million years on the surface of the Moon? It has been decades since humans last set foot on the Moon, but its surface is still marked with the historic footprints of the 12 astronauts who walked across it Unlike on Earth, there is no erosion by wind or water on the Moon because it has no atmosphere. The Moon is geologically inactive there are no earthquakes or volcanoes. So, nothing gets washed away and nothing gets eroded.

However, the Moon is exposed to bombardment by meteorites, which change the surface. One little spacerock could easily wipe out a footprint on the moon. And since the Moon has no atmosphere, it is exposed to the solar wind, a stream of charged particles coming from the sun, and over time this acts almost like weather on Earth to scour surfaces on the moon, but the process is very, very slow.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong put his left foot on the rocky Moon. It was the first human footprint on the Moon. They had taken TV cameras with them. The two astronauts walked on the Moon. They picked up rocks and dirt to bring back to Earth. The astronauts had much work to do. Then, the Eagle went back to meet astronaut Collins. He was in the Command Module working.

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin visited the moon 50 years ago, they left roughly 100 objects behind, including a portion of their lunar lander, the American flag and, yes, various kinds of trash. Those objects are still there, surrounded by rugged bootprints marking humanity’s first steps on another world. But that site, called Tranquillity Base, may not be as enduring as the legacy those prints represent.

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Did the fruit flies survive in space?

Fruit flies were the first organisms sent to space. For many years before sending mammals into space, such as dogs or humans, scientists studied Drosophila melanogaster (the common fruit fly) and its reactions to both radiation and space flight to understand the possible effects of space and a zero-gravity environment on humans. Starting in the 1910s, researchers conducted experiments on fruit flies because humans and fruit flies share many genes. On February 20, 1947, fruit flies became the first living and sentient organisms to go to space and return, which paved the way for human exploration. At the height of the Cold War and the Space Race, flies were sent on missions to space with great frequency, allowing scientists to study the nature of living and breeding in space. Scientists and researchers from the Soviet Union and the United States both used fruit flies for their research and missions.

Fruit flies have been used in recent years as the reality of Mars and Moon colonization becomes clearer. These flies further the understanding of the effects of weightlessness on the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and the genes of astronauts. Fruit flies have been invaluable assets to scientific discoveries that humankind have made, especially discoveries about space travel.

Mankind has long admired the heavens and wondered about space. Even after the Space Race was completed, advancements in space travel continued. Researchers continue to study the ability of life to survive in the harsh atmosphere of space, promote commercial development, expand and advance knowledge, and prepare future generations for exploration. Throughout time, Animals in space have ensured suitable conditions for human exploration. Larger animals including dogs, monkeys, cats, mice, and others, have been vital to many excursions, as have insects.

The fruit fly has frequently been utilized for space travel, due to its comparable genetics to that of humans. The short gestation period and quick maturing process allows their continued use. Additionally, a female fruit fly can lay one hundred eggs daily, and each egg requires less than ten days to fully mature. Since three-quarters of its genome compares to other organisms, fruit flies frequently proceed humans in space travel because their entire genetic makeup, including the sex chromosomes, have been sequenced by scientists.

Credit : Wikipedia 

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When did Surveyor 3 land on the Moon?

Launched on April 17, 1967, Surveyor 3 was the third engineering flight of the Surveyor series and the second in the series to achieve a soft landing on the moon. It was based on Surveyor 3's surface sampling tests that it was concluded that the lunar surface could hold the weight of an Apollo lunar module

The Apollo 11 mission will remain in the collective consciousness of human beings forever. This is because it was the first time we humans managed to set foot on our natural satellite, the moon.

It is important to remember that this was made possible due to a number of missions that preceded this one. Among these was the Surveyor 3 spacecraft which proved beyond doubt that an Apollo lunar module could indeed safely land on the moon's surface.

The third engineering flight of the Surveyor series, this spacecraft was the first to carry a surface-sampling instrument that could reach up to 1.5 m from the lander and dig up to 18 cm. Unlike its predecessors, Surveyor 3 began its mission from a parking orbit around Earth on April 17, 1967.

Bouncing to a stop

While it became the second in the series after Surveyor 1 to achieve a soft landing on the moon three days later on April 20, it was far from smooth. As highly reflective rocks confused the landers descent radar, the main engine did not cut off at the correct moment during the descent to the lunar surface.

This meant that Surveyor 3 bounced off the moon, not once but twice-first to a height of 10 m and then again to a height of 3 m. It was third time lucky for Surveyor 3 as it landed softly in the southeastern region of Oceanus  Procellarum.

With its worst behind it. Surveyor 3 set out to do what it was sent to do. Within an hour after landing, the spacecraft began transmitting the first of over 6,000 TV pictures of the surrounding areas.

Similar to wet sand

The most important phase of the mission included deployment of the surface sampler for digging trenches, manipulating lunar material, and making bearing tests. Based on commands from Earth, the probe was able to dig four trenches, performing four bearing tests and 13 impact tests.

The results from these experiments were the most important aspect of this mission. The scientists were able to conclude that lunar soil's consistency was similar to that of wet sand and that it would be solid enough to bear an Apollo lunar module when it landed.

The start of May saw the first lunar nightfall following the arrival of Surveyor 3. The spacecraft's solar panels stopped producing electricity and its last contact with Earth was on May 4. While Surveyor 1 could be reactivated twice after lunar nights, Surveyor 3 could not be reactivated when it was attempted 336 hours later during the next lunar dawn.

Tryst with Apollo 12

 That, however, wasn't the last of what we heard about Surveyor 3. Four months after the huge success of Apollo 11, NASA launched Apollo 12 in November 1969. The lunar module of Apollo 12 showcased pinpoint landing capacity as the precise lunar touchdown allowed the astronauts to land within walking distance of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. During their second extra vehicular activity on November 19, astronauts Charles Conrad, Jr. and Alan L. Bean walked over to the inactive Surveyor 3 lander and recovered parts, including the camera system and the soil scoop.

Just like moon rocks, these were returned to Earth for studying, as they offered scientists a unique chance to analyse equipment that had been subjected to long-term exposure on the moon's surface. The studies of the parts showed that while Surveyor 3 had changed colour due to lunar dust adhesion and exposure to the sun, the TV camera and other hardware showed no signs of failure.

While NASA placed some of the Surveyor 3 parts into storage along with moon rocks and soil samples, the remaining parts found home elsewhere. Even though NASA treats them as lunar samples and not artefacts, they are greatly valued when gifted or loaned out, both to museums and individuals.

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Who drank the first coffee in space?

The first espresso coffee was drunk in space by Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti in May 2015. The Italian Space Agency worked with Italian coffee manufacturer, Lavazza, to get the first coffee machine, called  ISSpresso, flown into the International Space Station.

In 2014, Argotec and Lavazza partnered to determine the feasibility of the project. Argotec then approached ASI, with Lavazza as a partner, and ASI agreed to sponsor the ISSpresso as an ASI payload on the ISS. NASA approval was then obtained.During the same year a feasibility study with the creation of some subsystems was conducted in order to validate the technological choices. On 14 April 2015, the flight model of ISSpresso was sent with SpaceX CRS-6 to the International Space Station and on 3 May 2015, Samantha Cristoforetti drank the first espresso in micro-gravity conditions. On 30 September 2017, Paolo Nespoli used the espresso machine on board the ISS to celebrate International Coffee Day.

The machine has conditions of use that are similar to the traditional ones, in order to facilitate the operations of the astronauts without requiring specific training. After verifying that the water container is installed properly, the astronaut inserts the coffee capsule into an opening on the top surface of the machine, then they close the small door and select the drink size. After that, they attach the drink pouch to the adapter and start the process of making coffee. The interfaces of the water container as well as of the drink pouch are the same used with the potable water dispenser installed on the space station, in order to facilitate the use of the system by the astronaut. The ISSpresso's "Coffee in Space" mission came to an end on 14 December 2017.

Credit : Wikipedia 

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Do astronauts get taller in space?

Astronauts can grow up to 3 per cent taller during the time spent living in microgravity, NASA scientists say. That means that a 6-foot-tall person could gain as many as 2 inches while in orbit. While scientists have known for some time that astronauts experience a slight height boost during stays on the International Space Station, NASA is only now starting to use ultrasound technology to see exactly what happens to astronauts' spines in microgravity. Past studies have shown that when the spine is not exposed to the pull of Earth's gravity, the vertebra can expand and relax, allowing astronauts to actually grow taller. That small gain is short lived. Once the astronauts return to Earth, their height returns to normal after a few months. Now, astronauts will use a ultrasound device on the station that allows more precise musculoskeletal imaging to scan each other's backs to see exactly what their spines look like after 30, 90 and 150 days in microgravity. Researchers will see the medical results in real time as the astronaut take turns scanning the spines of their crewmates.

A better understanding of the spine's elongation in microgravity could help physicians develop more effective rehabilitation techniques to aid astronauts in their return to Earth's gravity following space station missions.

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