What exercise should children do every day?

Go ahead-run, jump, skip, climb! Not only is it fun, it’s good for you, too. Your body parts need exercise to stay healthy.

There are different kinds of exercises. Some building your muscles. Some strengthen your heart and lungs. A strong heart and lungs are better at getting oxygen to the rest of your body. Exercises that build your muscles include climbing ropes and wall bars. You can also try handstand contests, walking on your hands, walking on all fours, and doing push-ups while on your knees.

Walking, running, swimming, skipping, playing saucer, dancing, and cycling are all aerobic exercises. They help make your heart and lungs strong. What is your favourite aerobic exercise? Try it for at least 20 minutes, and you can feel your heartbeat faster.

Get fit and you will be ready for anything-a sports game, a busy day, and a healthy life.

Before you exercise, warm up your body. Warm muscles stretch more easily and are less likely to get hurt. Walk, slowly skip, or gently jog on the spot. These activities increase the blood flow to your muscles. Do these again at the end of exercising. This lets your body cool down slowly.

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What is junk food?

You wake up one morning. Your mother asks, “What would you like for breakfast -crisps, chips, ice cream, sweets, or lemonade?”

You think to yourself, “Am I dreaming?” Yes, you are.

Your parents try to limit how much junk food you eat for a reason. Too much junk food is not good for your body.

Junk foods are called “junk” because they contain a lot of substances your body does not need. Some contain a lot of sugar. Others have a lot of fat-far more than your body needs.

But many people eat a whole lot of junk food. And if all you ate was junk food, you would soon be very unhealthy. You would not get enough of the things your body needs, such as protein, vitamins, and fibre. And you would have too much of the things you need only a little of, such as sugar, salt, and fat.

It would not hurt your body if you never ate any junk foods. They are fun to eat, though. Happily, a little junk food now and then will not hurt you.

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What nutrients do children need to stay healthy?

What are your favourite foods? Maybe you like fish, hamburgers, or scrambled eggs. These foods all can be part of a healthy diet. But they are not enough. That’s because they are all proteins. Your body needs many different kinds of nutrients to stay healthy.

The best way to get all the nutrients your body needs is to eat many different kinds of food each day. When you eat a variety of foods, you can get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Eating a variety of foods means eating bread, rice, and other grains, especially whole grains.

It means eating nuts and beans for protein. It may also mean eating meats, such as beef, fish, and chicken.

Dairy products like milk and cheese are also important for a healthy diet. This food group is especially important for younger people, whose bones are still growing.

Finally, a wide variety of vegetables and fruit is very important for health. These foods contain vitamins and minerals that are critical to our well-being.

Foods that come in a package usually have labels that tell you what is in the food. These labels can help you understand what food groups are contained in a given item. That helps you to look for items with more fruit or vegetables and fewer addictive and preservatives, for example.

Food labels also tell you how many fats, carbohydrates, and other nutrients are in one serving of that food. This helps you to choose foods that are lower in fat and sugar and higher in nutritional value.

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Why is it important to eat well?

Like a car, your body needs fuel to keep it running. Your body’s fuel is food.

Food contains the things your body needs for energy and to stay healthy. These include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Proteins provide energy and help make muscles, skin and other organs, and blood. They also help your body to heal itself. You can get protein from animal foods such as meat, fish, and milk products. You also can get protein from certain beans and nuts.

Fats provide a lot of energy. Your body needs some fats, but not too many. You can get fats when you eat meat, butter, certain oils, and some plant foods such as nuts, olives, and avocados.

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. Many foods contain carbohydrates, including potatoes, pasta, and grains.

Food also contains vitamins and minerals. There are many different vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and D. They all help keep your body healthy. Many fruits and vegetables have vitamins. There also are many different minerals, including calcium and iron. Calcium is good for your bones and teeth. Iron is good for your blood.

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What is checkup?

Sometimes you go to the doctor when you are sick. Other times you go when you are not sick at all. This kind of visit is called a checkup.

Checkups are a good way for you and your doctor to see how well you are growing. It is also a good time for you to ask questions about your body and your health.

The nurse usually begins your checkup by measuring your height and weight. The nurse and the doctor keep track of how much you weigh and how tall you are at each visit. This is the best way for your doctor to see how well you are growing.

Next, the doctor listens through a stethoscope, to different sounds inside your body. The earpieces of the stethoscope fit in the doctor’s ears. The flat round part of the stethoscope is placed over the part of your body the doctor wants to hear.

The doctor holds the stethoscope on your chest and listen to the sound of your heart beating. The sound your heart makes is something like this: lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub. Then the doctor moves the stethoscope around on your chest and back to hear your breathing. The doctor will ask you to take a few deep breaths. If you are healthy, your lungs do not make much noise.

Then the doctor shines a light into your eyes. The light helps the doctor look at the inside of your eyes. You might have to read some letters on the chart. The doctor wants to be sure you can see well.

The doctor or nurse might ask you about the foods you eat, how much you sleep, and if you exercise. These are all important questions. To stay healthy, you need to eat healthy foods and get enough rest and exercise. Your doctor may give you some ideas about how to do these things.

Next, the doctor shines a light into your ears. The doctor wants to be sure that all your ear openings are clear. If they are not, you may not be able to hear well.

At certain checkups, your doctor will give you one or more immunization injections. These injections help keep you healthy. Some injections hurt. But a little bit of pain you feel may save you a lot of sickness later. Some medicine has to be in injections, because your body would digest that medicine if you swallowed it, the same way it digests food. Then the medicine would not be able to work as well to keep you healthy.

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What pain tells you?

Once in a while, some part of your body hurts. It may be your stomach or your head. You feel pain.

It is never fun to feel pain. Sometimes you might even cry. Pain is a warning. Pain usually happens because you are sick or you have hurt part of your body. When you feel pain, nerves send a signal to your brain. Your brain understands the signal. If you did not feel pain, you would not know when something was wrong inside.

When you feel pain, tell your parents or your teacher where it hurts. They know how to make the pain feel better. For example, if you have a headache, your mother might suggest sleep, an ice pack, or medicine to help take the pain away. Other times you may need to see your doctor. Your doctor might have to do medical tests to find out what is wrong and how to make you feel better.

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What are Bumps, bruises, and blisters?

Sometimes when you bump a part of your body, such as your elbow, the bump pushes a muscle against a bone. Tiny veins and arteries in the muscle break. Some blood leaks out, and soon, you have a bruise.

A bruise is like an inside out cut. A bruise does not bleed on the outside because the skin is not broken. Instead, the blood moves below the top layer of your skin. The blood shows through your skin as dark blue or black.

As the bruise heals, it may change colours. Each colour is lighter than the last. This means that the blood is moving back into your body. The muscle is getting well.

Burns are another way you can hurt yourself. When your skin burns, the burned spot puffs up. A blister forms. A blister is like a puffy little pocket in the layers of your skin. The top layer of skin pulls away from the layers underneath it, and the space fills with liquid. The top layer keeps germs from getting into the blister.

Again, your cells start to heal your burned skin. Slowly the liquid moves back into your body, and your blister heals.

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How does your body heal itself?

You are rolling along on your bike when suddenly you hit a stone on the road. You fall and cut your hand. It is bleeding and it hurts.

Right away, your body begins healing the cut. Your cells quickly jump into action and do their special jobs.

When you cut yourself, you begin to bleed. Almost at once the blood begins to clot. The cells stick together. Slowly, the blood gets thick and covers the cut. Then the blood dries and gets hard. It makes a kind of cover, called a scab, over the cut.

The cells along the edges of the cut grow and divide. New cells take the place of some of those that were hurt by the cut.

Still other cells to another kind of job. These are special healing cells. They make a kind of net that joins the edges of the cut together. Each day this net gets thicker, tougher, and stronger.

Soon the scab falls off. Then you can see the new skin underneath. Your body has healed itself.

Sometimes a deep cut leaves a mark on your skin, even after it has healed. That mark is called a scar. A scar forms when a deep layer of skin has been damaged. Scars may be red at first but the colour usually fades over time.

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What happens when you get sick?

Have you had a chickenpox or measles, cold, an ear infection, or the flu? If so, your body was under attack!

When you get sick, tiny germs called viruses or bacteria attack different parts of your body. Some of these germs travel from person to person in the drops of fluid that shoot out of your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Some are spread in food and water. These germs can make you feel sick.

Luckily your body fights back. And sometimes medicine helps your body fight the germs.

After you have been sick with certain illnesses, your body remembers the germs. If one of the germs tries to attack again, your body destroys it as soon as it enters your body. That’s why you usually get some illnesses, like chickenpox, only once.

You can get some illnesses, like colds and the flu, over and over again. This is because there are so many kinds of cold and flu viruses. If a new virus invades your body, your body does not know that virus, and so you get sick.

Do your parents tell you to cover your nose and mouth and when you sneeze? That’s because when you sneeze, tiny drops of fluid spray out of your mouth. Tiny germs travel in that fluid and can make other people sick too.

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What to say for losing a loved one?

Have you ever had a pet that died? It hurts. It does not hurt like when you fall and scrape your knee. It is a different kind of pain. It makes you feel sad.

The death of your pet means that you will never see it again. Sometimes people die, too - people you love. This means that you will never see them again in this world. It hurts a lot.

When someone’s friend or relative dies, it is very painful. They miss that person. They feel lonely, strange, and sad. They may become quiet and want to be left alone. They want to think about the person who has died. They may feel angry that the person has left them. The sadness or anger after someone has died is called grieving. People who grieve are trying to understand and accept the death of someone they love.

Grieving takes time. Many people feel they will always miss the person who has died. But after a while, people begin to remember their loved ones with happiness. They remember good times they shared.

Pets and people never leave you completely. They live on in your memories. In this way, they are part of you forever.

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How do children learn right or wrong?

How do you know what is right?

How do you know what is wrong?

These are not easy questions to answer. However, looking for the answers to such questions can help you know yourself and the world around you. You will not find all the answers right away, but you will find the beginnings of the answers. Your understanding will grow as you grow.

You were not born knowing right from wrong. You learn this as you grow. You learn by talking and listening to people you can trust. You learn by watching and copying what the people around you say and do.

As you learn right from wrong, you will make mistakes. It is okay to make mistakes. You can learn from mistakes. You can change how you do things because of your experiences.

There is a feeling inside you that helps you decide what to do. Sometimes it is called an “inner voice” or “gut feeling”. Sometimes it tells you when something feels right. Other time it might say “oops!” Then you know something may not be right. Your inner voice can help guide you in everything you do.

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Why do we differ from everyone else?

Think of people you know and see every day. They are all different. They look different from you, and some believe in different things. Some people probably cannot do all the things that you can do. Others can do things you cannot do.

No one in the world looks exactly like you, and no one can do exactly the same things. You might be great at maths, while your friend struggles with it. Your friend might be a good tennis player, while you cannot hit a tennis ball. What’s nice is that the two of you can help each other.

Nobody is good at everything, but everybody is good at something – even someone who has a body part that does not work properly. Moving around easily or seeing and hearing clearly are only some of the things that people can do. A person who cannot do these things is still able to do many other things.

When you think about something you cannot do, remember that it is only one part of you. There are other things you can do. All these things help make you a special person.

What special things can each person in your family do? Draw a picture of each family member. Below each picture, list a few of that person‘s skills or talents.

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Who are friends?

Who shares your secrets? Who is the first to know when something good or bad happens to you? Your friends, that’s who!

Many people have a best friend. You might have a lot of other friends, too. Friends are people you feel safe with. You can trust your friends.

Sometimes your friends make you angry. But usually you do not stay angry for long. You know that your friends do not mean to hurt you.

Think of all the things you like about your friends. All your friends have something special about them that you like. You might like one friend because he is fun to be with or because she is a good listener.

Remember that you are friend too. You need to be a friend to have a friend. Friends treat others just as they want to be treated. Always be the friend you would like to have.

What is the best way to make friends?

You can make friends by:

  • smiling and being nice,
  • sharing a toy or game,
  • telling a funny story,
  • helping someone,
  • listening to people without interrupting,
  • asking polite questions to get to know people,
  • saying nice things to make a person feel good,
  • joining a group activity.     

What does it mean to be a good friend? You are a good friend if you:

  • are fun to be with,
  • share things,
  • make your friends feel good,
  • care about how your friends feel,
  • enjoy doing some of the same things as your friends do,
  • accept your friends for who they are.

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Why do our feelings change quickly?

Have you ever noticed how quickly your feelings can change? One day you might feel happy because you made a new friend. The next day you might feel sad because your friend seems to like someone else better.

Understanding how and why your feelings change is part of growing up. Sometimes feelings can be very confusing.

Not all feelings are good, but it is still okay to have them. It is also okay to let people know how are you feel – and why you feel that way. But it is not okay to do whatever your feelings make you feel like doing. It is not okay to hit someone or call someone a name because you are angry.

You tell people how you are feeling in many ways. You tell them with your words, your face, and what you do with your body. When you are angry you might want to frown, make a fist, or yell. But you might find it more helpful to talk.

If your feelings upset you, talk to someone you trust. You will learn that everyone feels the same way you do, at some time or another.

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